The better children eat, the better they learn, the better they do in life. It is a pretty basic formula that we are making the most of in London.

Since September, City Hall’s universal free school meals programme has meant every child, in every state primary in London, on every school day has had the chance to sit down with their classmates at lunchtime and share a nutritious, healthy meal.

Given the cost-of-living crisis has not disappeared, my promise to parents and carers is that neither will the support we are providing their children. Today, I am proud to announce that our funding for universal free school meals will be extended by another academic year. It means all primary pupils in London will continue to receive lunch, fully funded by City Hall until the summer of 2025. All told, the scheme will save families up to £1,000 per child over two years.

The supply of free school meals has been a lifeline for families during the worst decline in living standards on record. But the policy’s impact should not be measured in pounds and pence alone.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has provided emergency funding for free school meals in the Capital's schools (

A study conducted by the National Education Union and Child Poverty Action Group of schools in London boroughs revealed a catalogue of benefits for pupils, parents and staff. Some schools reported higher attendance and greater concentration as well as enhanced social skills and healthier eating habits.

Staff were freed up to administer other programmes to enrich children’s lives. And because the need to chase lunch debt was eliminated, relations between some schools and families even improved.

As someone who relied on free school meals, I know the difference they make. I also know the embarrassment of having to stand in a separate queue to receive them. One of the most powerful arguments in favour of universal provision is that it removes the shame of not having enough money to eat and enables children to feel equal.

Why every child deserves a free school meal

The country’s children should not be the victims of the cost of living crisis.

They should not have to pay the price because their parents cannot afford to put food on the table or heat the family home.

But at the moment there are nearly four million children living in poverty. Many of them are being brought up in homes where there is not enough money to pay for a hot meal. Some are having to skip meals entirely.

That is why the Mirror is calling on the government to provide free school meals for every primary pupil in England.

The Scottish and Welsh governments are introducing universal free school meals. It’s time England did the same.

If a child is hungry they cannot learn. It makes it harder for them to concentrate in class and harder for them to reach their potential.

Free school meals for all primary-age children would save parents vital pennies - money which could be used to pay for warm clothes, school activities or heating.

It would reduce the bureaucracy attached with deciding which pupils are eligible. Most importantly, it would mean every child have the chance to flourish.

You can find out more about our Free School Meals for All campaign here

Despite the extensive and compelling evidence in favour of the scheme, the Government still refuses to step up and put school meals on the table for all pupils in England. Shamefully, the Tories in City Hall – including their candidate for Mayor – even voted against our free school meals programme.

At the most fundamental level, this policy is about doing what is right for our children. No child should suffer the indignity, pain and disadvantage of hunger. And as Mayor, I will continue to do everything to make sure every child in our city has the energy and capacity to reach their potential. This goal is integral to my mission to build a better, fairer, safer and more affordable London for everyone.