There's just no escaping the blistering heatwave that's got Britain well and truly sizzling, and while there are those who lap up every ray of sunshine, you'll spot plenty hiding away from the sun - clinging to their fans for dear life.

For those struggling to beat the heat, a myriad of tips and tricks promise relief, but finding what works is a personal quest.

You may have heard of freezing sponges or chucking ice behind your fan to create a budget-friendly air con effect. But if these time-old methods aren't slicing through the hot air in your home, one savvy internet user on Reddit's 'Preppers' forum might just have the golden ticket to cooling bliss.

The individual shared some of their go-to strategies to keep cool, mentioning they had "added some electrolyte packets" to carry around and decided to don a "dorky sun hat".

Even as we bask (or bake), the NHS suggests staying in the shade between 11am and 3pm when the sun's at its fiercest, keeping skin safe from burns, donning appropriate clothing, sunglasses, looking out for the little ones, and slapping on the sunscreen.

Yet it was the revelation of an "ice vest" in the thread's comments that really turned heads. The commenter claimed: "I use an ice vest for my daily 3 mile walk, don't cheap out though get a good one."

The reaction was instantaneous and enthusiastic, with one reply reflecting the sentiment many felt: "I run a farmers market and this time of year is miserable. I had no idea this was a thing and I'm absolutely getting one! ! Thank you!!!!".

Another commented: "Even cheap options like the phase change material cooling neck rings can be quite nice, as well as convenient. I have a nice vest but it's such a pain in the a** and I don't like how it feels, so I rarely use it. But the neck rings are so simple that my kids are even 'stealing' them to use when they're feeling hot."

"I just had to look it up to make sure you were not messing with us, hahaha. Had no idea this existed", a surprised user admitted. Inquiring about the practicality, a Redditor asked: "How do you like it? I assume it takes up a lot of space in your freezer?"

Responding to doubts, a fan explained: "Some styles have removable ice packs so you're just putting a few small ice packs in the freezer. I'm embarrassed to wear mine outside but it's great at home during heatwaves. I've even slept (on my side) wearing it."

One keen individual shared: "I never knew this was a thing, I work in construction, I'm going to order one".

Expressing her newfound interest, a woman announced: "What!!!??? How in the world am I just now hearing about this!? As a woman who is going through menopause and sweating buckets, this definitely caught my attention."

With some ice vests being available for as little as £11, would giving one a go be something you consider?

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