Much like humans tend to meet at the pub, animals like to gather at their own drinking establishments.

But it’s a far more ­wondrous sight to behold...

Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis on BBC Two on Friday was a stunning insight into the behaviour of some iconic species, thanks to a touch of – dare I say it – cheating.

Naturalist Chris Packham and ­biologist Ella Al-Shamahi joined a team that arrived in the Mwiba Wildlife Reserve in Tanzania and built the first man-made waterhole with a specialist camera rig.

During the peak of the dry season, the waterhole provides life-saving water for a whole community, including mammals and birds (

The sudden arrival of this half­-submerged, weatherproof hideaway with cameras filming 24/7 isn’t quite natural history in motion but the results were extraordinary.

To misquote that famous Kevin Costner movie: “If you build it, they will come.”

And they certainly did. The brand new waterhole immediately attracted dozens of species and provided much-needed water for animals hit by climate change.

Within 45 minutes, four orphaned ­warthog siblings bounded into the pool of water and started rolling around in the mud to cool down.

When an elephant stomped towards them, they scarpered.

An amazing image of a giraffe drinking from the man made waterhole (

These early visitors were swiftly followed by some nervous impala, zebras and ­buffalo and colourful birds with crazy names like the Go-Away-Bird, so called for its call that sounds like “Go Away”.

Chris and Ella were hiding out nearby like excited school kids, totting up species, analysing data and dishing out facts.

Did you know elephants can sniff out water from over 15 miles away?

Or that zebras have stripes to disorientate predators? Or that a leopard will often haul its latest kill to the top of a tree to eat in peace?

A leopard approaches the watering hole in darkness (

There were some astonishing close-ups, from the gross sight of an oxpecker bird munching on ticks inside a buffalo’s ear – much to his annoyance – to an elephant calf trying out his trunk and vervet monkeys winding up the zebras.

On day 12, when every animal suddenly disappeared, it turned out that a massive 250kg lion named Kalamas – meaning “Sneaky Boy” – had scared them all away.

As a result, the animals who had ­previously been visiting the waterhole alone started drinking with other species for protection.

“This is the story of life and death at the waterhole,” said Chris.

With powerful leopards and lions ­stalking the joint down to tiny little ­creatures darting back and forth for a quick drink, this was about territory and a fight for survival.

A helping hand for this wildlife ­community and action-packed footage for us makes this series a roaring success.