Tina Malone has said she’s thrilled about Stephen Fry’s recent engagement news after she wed her toyboy lover six years ago.

The actress and husband Paul Chase have 19 years between them, but she says it’s not about age – it’s about the connection you have with your partner.

“Everyone’s going to have something to say because you’re in the public eye,” she said referring to Fry, 57, who announced his engagement to writer Elliott Spencer, 27, earlier this week.

Speaking on This Morning Tina continued: “If the chemistry works, I’d recommend it.”

While Paul added: “If it works, it works.

“If Stephen Fry is happy then I’m made up for him. Isn’t love about chemistry?”

Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer (

When asked about the negative reaction the pair, who have been together six years now after marrying in 2010 and have a daughter together, received when they first got together, Paul said: “I think it would be normal.

“I get what people are going to say behind my back – like it’s about the money.”

Yesterday, QI presenter Stephen and fiance Elliott showed off matching engagement rings as Elliott's parents aid they were “over the moon” about the match.

Speaking at their home, property ­developer Robert Spencer, 57, said: “We are very happy. We are over the moon.”

Stephen let slip they plan to celebrate their engagement with another holiday after he hosts the BAFTAs next month.

Stephen said: “We are off to celebrate our engagement. We won’t be going abroad until after the BAFTAs.”