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People often spend up to 8–9 hours sitting each day; therefore, it is extremely important to learn the correct sitting posture.

Capsaicin is the substance responsible for the spicy heat of chilli peppers.

If someone is moving clumsily, we often say he or she has two left feet. But what does our left side have to do with being clumsy?

If we take a closer look at a snowflake, we will see that it has a symmetrical, hexagonal shape. But how do they take on this shape?

Gold is a rare metal, which is often challenging and dangerous to extract. But where does it come from?

What is sunlight? How is it created, and how much time does it take for it to arrive on Earth?

What is the speed of sound? What happens when an object exceeds the speed of sound?

Correct handwashing helps to decrease the risk of infections.

Inventors have been long mulling over the idea of constructing a device which would work forever once it was started.

Why do the colours seem to blend into each other?

Sometimes changes in the weather take place suddenly.

An ornamental plant often grown to cover porches and walls of houses. It creates fresh and green environment.


A popular decorative plant grown to cover porches and climb up walls of buildings.

America was discovered by several groups before the Europeans arrived, but was forgotten after. One thing is sure: Columbus was not the first one.

Ice can create stunning shapes. Let’s take a trip to the High Tatra Mountains and study the related phenomena.

If we compressed all the time that has ever passed into a year, what would the history of the universe look like?

A possible sea route connecting the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was sought for centuries. This video is about John Franklin’s tragic expedition.

The excessive exploitation of natural resources has led to environmental problems that are difficult to resolve.

The opening of Pharaoh Tutankhamen’s tomb claimed a heavy price.

Legendary inventor, crazy scientist or the greatest genius of all times? Meet Nikola Tesla, one of the most outstanding physicists of the 19th-20th century.