
Worst Media Outburst of the RNC, Night Two: Capehart Attacks ‘Racist’ ‘Dog-Whistling’
July 17th, 2024 11:35 AM
It’s a challenging task but we here at NewsBusters are going to try to sift through all the crazy, angry and ridiculous observations made by leftist journalists every night of the Republican National Convention coverage and pick one for Worst of the Night. So without further ado, the Worst Media Outburst for Tuesday night goes to PBS’s Jonathan Capehart for taking offense to the term “illegals” instead of “undocumented migrants,” as he skeptically sneered about a “kinder, gentler version” of…
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STUDY: Despite Massive Media Attack, Trump Popularity Has Grown
July 16th, 2024 8:31 AM
This Thursday, despite the liberal media’s tremendous effort over the past 18 months to destroy his campaign, you’ll hear Donald Trump again accept the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. The media’s effort has been intense: a new Media Research Center study found ABC, CBS and NBC devoted massive quantities of airtime (a whopping 1,608 minutes on just the three evening newscasts) to promoting the legal efforts against Trump, nearly all of it (95%) fiercely negative. Yet the liberal…
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Leftist Journalists Scare Their Audience: Trump 2024 Win Will Be ‘End of Democracy!’
July 15th, 2024 6:10 PM
For years leftist journalists have been scaring their audience into believing that a Donald Trump victory in 2024 will bring about the “end of democracy.” So it shouldn’t surprise anybody that a crazed shooter might have acted on that premise.  These anchors, reporters and pundits should be the last ones to criticize any conservative for their “tone” in the coming days.  The following are just some of the most obnoxious cases of journalists (via MRC’s archives) declaring democracy dead, if…
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Morning Joe Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Calling ‘Fascist’ ‘Hitler’ Trump a ‘Threat’ to Democracy 
July 15th, 2024 2:42 PM
There’s a reason even MSNBC executives decided to keep Morning Joe off the air — in the aftermath of the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump. They were terrified that Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski or any other of their regular guests would call Trump a “threat” to democracy, label him “fascist” or even compare him to “Hitler.”  On Monday, CNN reported: “A person familiar with the matter told CNN that the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s…
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BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: 7 New Illegal Immigrant Crimes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Burying
July 11th, 2024 10:00 AM
The tragic cost of Biden’s border crisis keeps rising as more horrific acts committed by illegal immigrants seem to be happening on an almost daily basis. Senator Ted Cruz encapsulated Americans’ frustration when he posted “Every…damn…day” in response to a July 8 story of an illegal (who had already been deported) allegedly raping a Utah child. The tragic stories are piling up, but ABC, CBS and NBC have mostly ignored them on their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows. NewsBusters…
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Media Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’
July 6th, 2024 4:30 PM
[LANGUAGE WARNING] Lefty journalists and celebrities all freaked out after the Supreme Court’s Donald Trump immunity ruling.  MSNBC’s Joy Reid warned that if Trump won, the Supreme Court would let him rule as “King.” CNN’s Van Jones feared that the Court issued Trump a “license to thug.” The Hollywood Elite went nuts too. Actress and comedian Lea DeLaria lined herself up for a Secret Service visit because she actually threatened Trump’s life. The Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black cast member…
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Hating America: The Hollywood Left’s 13 Worst Anti-American Outbursts
July 5th, 2024 10:30 AM
This Independence Day weekend most Americans will be celebrating the freedoms and values that made this country so great. However, there are some in the Hollywood Left who would probably prefer to be partying, anywhere other than the USA.  For a class of people who owe their wealth and fame to the American way of life, it’s sad to see so many celebrities turning their back on their own country.  Over the years, the Media Research Center has caught celebrities attacking American symbols,…
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Ashamed of the USA?! Media’s 20 Worst Anti-American Outbursts
July 3rd, 2024 4:00 PM
The vast majority of Americans are spending this Independence Day weekend taking pride in their country as they celebrate the freedoms established by the Founding Fathers. However, there are some journalists who are embarrassed by the USA. Some of them even seem to take pride in actually shaming the country.     Over the years, the Media Research Center has caught journalists ridiculing and deriding America. The following is a countdown of the Media’s 20 Worst Anti-American Outbursts (as…
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Late Night DNC: 94 Percent of Late Night Guests Are Liberal
July 2nd, 2024 10:00 AM
In the nine months since the end of the writers’ strike, the late night comedy shows have remained remarkably consistent, as a NewsBusters study determined 94 percent of their political guests have been liberal.  The end of the strike coincided with the start of the 2024 presidential election campaign and MRC analysts found that in the nine months from October 2, 2023, to June 27, 2024, liberal guests outnumbered conservative guests by a count of 137 to 8.  The study looked at the five daily…
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STUDY: Kinder, Gentler Coverage for Hunter Biden’s Criminal Trial
June 11th, 2024 9:50 AM
A week after it began, the first of two criminal trials of President Biden’s son Hunter is now in the hands of the jury. A Media Research Center (MRC) analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC’s evening news coverage shows the broadcast networks have been far less interested in the felony trial of the Democratic President’s son than they were about the convoluted “hush money” case of Joe Biden’s GOP rival, Donald Trump, in New York City last month. Trump is a former President, so some gap in coverage…
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Daughter of Hunter’s Money Man: ‘Stop Taking Advantage’ of My Dad! ABC/CBS/NBC Censor
June 5th, 2024 11:25 AM
While there has been network coverage (full of spin) of the Hunter Biden gun trial there have been and will continue to be certain newsworthy items they won’t tell you about. We will be using this space in the coming days to alert you to those developments. Today we begin with the story of how Hunter Biden has blown threw so much of his benefactor Kevin Morris’s (AKA “Sugar Brother”) money that Morris’s daughter has complained about it.  Up until recently the Hollywood millionaire Morris had…
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Leftist Journalists Trumpet Trump Conviction, Declare Democracy Was Momentarily Saved
June 5th, 2024 10:00 AM
In a pathetic attempt to hide their euphoria over Donald Trump’s conviction, leftist journalists cloaked their verdict reactions with somber language about saving the “Republic” but their excitement was apparent. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos tried to hide his glee of Donald Trump’s conviction by soberly quoting John Adams and calling the trial the “ultimate stress test” for democracy. He also — not so subtly — pushed his audience to vote for President Joe Biden: “Do we want to be represented….…
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Five New Biden Family Scandals ABC, CBS, NBC Are Censoring
June 3rd, 2024 9:55 AM
As NewsBusters reported, ABC, CBS and NBC were obsessed (even before the final verdict came down) with the Donald Trump trial.  On Monday, another big trial involving a political figure begins. However, don’t expect anywhere near the amount of network interest in D.A. Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump — because these legal proceedings involve Hunter Biden.  While Hunter isn’t on the same level as former President Trump, he is still the son of the current president…
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FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media’s Long Record of Reviling Ronald Reagan
June 2nd, 2024 10:21 AM
This Wednesday (June 5) marks 20 years since the passing of Ronald Reagan, the conservative Republican President whose policies led to record economic prosperity and laid the foundation for the peaceful end to the Cold War. In the years since his death, some in the media have used Reagan’s memory as a weapon to bash today’s Republican Party. In 2015, for example, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell juxtaposed the Gipper with his would-be successors: “Reagan’s message was infused with sunny optimism, the…
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WRAP-UP: TV’s Negative, Nasty, Lurid & Obsessive Coverage of Trump’s Trial
May 30th, 2024 10:32 AM
Jury deliberations have begun in Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump. Regardless of the verdict, Trump’s Democratic opponents have already received a massive media bonus from the flimsy legal case. Unlike the jury in the courtroom, millions of citizens have seen the evidence only as depicted by the liberal news networks — an often skewed version that seemed more designed to embarrass and antagonize the Republican presidential candidate than to scrutinize…
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