Samsung Appears to Be Developing LG Wing-Like Device But with a Hinge, Patent Reveals

  • We have spotted a new Samsung device with an LG Wing-like mechanism on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website.
  • The patent also shows a camera island in the top right corner and the charging port, microphone, and speakers at the bottom.

We all know Samsung for pioneering foldable display technology. While other smartphone makers are adopting to that form factor, the South Korean conglomerate is already experimenting with other interesting display technologies. Today, we discovered a new device from Samsung on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website that appears to be a smartphone.

The patent sketch reveals a device featuring both a hinge and a design reminiscent of the LG Wing. Here’s everything you need to know:

Samsung’s LG Wing-Like Device Appears on WIPO

As shown in the patent sketches, the device initially appears as a standard glass slab. However, it can swivel and rotate like the LG Wing, revealing a secondary display at the bottom by rotating 180 degrees. Additionally, the screen can bend with the help of a hinge.

The patent also indicates that the device will feature a camera island in the top right corner. It also shows the charging port, microphone, and speakers at the bottom, confirming that this is indeed a mobile device.

So, if we go by the patent, this device will function similarly to the LG Wing up to the point of rotation. Beyond that, it will be able to bend thanks to the hinge mechanism. This design will provide users with a full-sized display to work with, along with a smaller area at the bottom for control.

Samsung’s Other Developments in Display Technology

It’s important to note that this isn’t Samsung’s first venture into innovative display technology. A few months ago, we also discovered a Samsung device featuring a triple-foldable display on the same WIPO website.

However, it’s wise to temper your expectations and not anticipate these smartphones to hit the market soon. Samsung frequently files patent applications, and having a patent doesn’t necessarily mean the idea will be realised in a future product.