Creating Peer Advising Programs

$300 member
$500 non-member

The eTutorial aims to help participants understand the rationale, issues, and challenges in designing a peer advising program by reviewing pertinent research, literature from the field, and appropriate peer advising models and then have them draft a plan to implement a new or improve their existing peer advising programs. 

[All content is self-contained within the eTutorial. No additional materials are required.]

What you’ll learn:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the rationale, issues, and challenges in designing a peer advising program by reviewing pertinent research, literature from the field, and appropriate peer advising models or approaches. 
  • Help participants organize elements of the assigned readings in this eTutorial into a draft plan to implement or improve their existing peer advising programs.

Who this is for:

  • Those who either want to or have been asked to develop a peer advising program for their campus or department
  • Those who would like to improve their existing peer advising program

Description of eTutorial

The growth of peer advising programs is increasingly considered as a critical component of institutions' delivery of academic advising. This eTutorial will use as its framework much of the work found in the NACADA publication Peer Advising and Mentoring: A Guide for Advising Practitioners (2nd ed.), edited by Korning and Zahorik. Participants will be introduced to a conceptual design framework they will use to organize their work. To add perspectives and intellectual depth to this eTutorial, other resources will be included to provide those taking this tutorial with rich sources of ideas to design their peer advising programs.  On completion of the eTutorial, participants will have a tentative written plan they can use as a blueprint for implementation or as a proposal to seek campus-wide support.

November 2024 Icon

November 2024

November 6 - December 10