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The practice of engineering is continually changing. Engineers today must be able not only to thrive in an environment of rapid technological change and globalization, but also to work on interdisciplinary teams. Cutting-edge research is being done at the intersections of engineering disciplines, and successful researchers and practitioners must be aware of developments and challenges in areas that may not be familiar to them.

At the U.S. Frontiers of Engineer Symposium, engineers have the opportunity to learn from their peers about pioneering work being done in many areas of engineering. Frontiers of Engineering 2011: Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2011 Symposium highlights the papers presented at the event. This book covers four general topics from the 2011 symposium: additive manufacturing, semantic processing, engineering sustainable buildings, and neuro-prosthetics. The papers from these presentations provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities of these fields of inquiry, and communicate the excitement of discovery.

Suggested Citation

National Academy of Engineering. 2012. Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2011 Symposium. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Publication Info

174 pages |  6 x 9 | 

  • Paperback:  978-0-309-22143-6
  • Ebook:  978-0-309-22146-7
Chapters skim
Front Matter i-xii
Introduction--Carolyn Seepersad and Michael Siemer 3-4
Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Technology Introduction and Business Implications--Brent Stucker 5-14
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace: Examples and Research Outlook--Brett Lyons 15-24
Additive Manufacturing Is Changing Surgery--Andrew M. Christensen 25-32
The Shape of Things to Come: Frontiers in Additive Manufacturing--Hod Lipson 33-44
Introduction--Aleksandar Kuzmanovic and Amarnag Subramanya 47-48
Automatic Text Understanding of Content and Text Quality--Ani Nenkova 49-54
Advancing Natural Language Understanding with Collaboratively Generated Content--Evgeniy Gabrilovich 55-60
Large-Scale Visual Semantic Extraction--Samy Bengio 61-68
Searching for Statistical Diagrams--Shirley Zhe Chen, Michael J. Cafarella, and Eytan Adar 69-78
Introduction--Annie Pearce and John Zhai 81-82
Challenges and Opportunities for Low-Carbon Buildings--John Ochsendorf 83-88
Expanding Design Spaces--John Haymaker 89-96
Opportunities and Challenges for Multiscale Modeling of Sustainable Buildings--Jelena Srebric 97-100
Accelerating Green Building Market Transformation with Information Technology--Christopher Pyke 101-110
Introduction--Timothy Denison and Justin Williams 113-114
Retinal Prosthetic Systems for Treatment of Blindness--James D. Weiland and Mark S. Humayun 115-122
The Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces--Eric C. Leuthardt 123-136
Ultra Low-Power Biomedical and Bio-Inspired Systems--Rahul Sarpeshkar 137-142
Contributors 145-148
Program 149-152
Participants 153-162

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