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Lunabotics robot in dirt terrain
Lunabotics robot in rocky terrain
Students working on a Lunabotics mining craft

Lunabotics Challenge

Lunabotics provides accredited institutions of higher learning students an opportunity to apply the NASA systems engineering process to design and build a prototype Lunar construction robot. This robot would be capable of performing the proposed operations on the Lunar surface in support of future Artemis Campaign goals.

About Lunabotics about Lunabotics Challenge

Event Dates

May 20-22, 2025

Event Location

Kennedy Space Center


Open to U.S. Students

grade levels

Vocational / Technical Schools, Colleges / Universities

Calling All Innovators!

NASA invites teams from colleges, universities, as well as technical and vocational schools around the country to test their engineering skills in the 2025 Lunabotics Challenge. Applications open at 5 p.m. EDT on Friday, Sept. 6. The competition is aimed at inspiring Artemis Generation students to explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for the benefit of humanity.

Learn More about Calling All Innovators!


The Lunabotics guidebook contains information that teams will need to know to participate in the challenge. 

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Featured Story

Artemis Generation Shines During NASA’s 2024 Lunabotics Challenge 

Members of the Artemis Generation kicked up some simulated lunar dust as part of NASA’s 2024 Lunabotics Challenge, held at The…

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View the 2024 Award Winners here!

Contact Us

NASA Project Manager 

Richard Johanboeke

Email: [email protected]

Public Inquiries

John F. Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

Phone: 321.867.5000

Email: [email protected]

Join Artemis!

Authentic, hands-on learning experiences give students in middle school all the way through graduate school a chance to flex their design and engineering skills as they build and launch high-powered rockets, design robots capable of mining the Moon’s surface or traversing difficult lunar terrain, create human-powered rovers, and test technologies and tools to assist future astronauts working on the Moon.

Learn More about Join Artemis!
Student using virtual reality goggles