Lockheed Laser Weapon Destroys Truck From a Mile Away

Witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational laser from Lockheed Martin.


Witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational laser from Lockheed Martin. The victim: a small truck, which was disabled "in a matter of seconds" from more than a mile away by the device.

The 30-kilowatt laser burned through the truck's engine manifold while the vehicle was mounted on a test manifold, the company announced earlier this week. While not ready for the battlefield yet, Lockheed Martin thinks its laser is destined for greater things.

"This test represents the next step to providing lightweight and rugged laser weapon systems for military aircraft, helicopters, ships and trucks," Keoki Jackson, chief technology officer of Lockheed Martin, said in a statement.

Sadly for Star Wars fans, military lasers are meant to bore holes in drones and missiles, not zap enemies in a flash of light. There isdebate over whether they are worth funding at all. But Lockheed is enthusiastic about its device, claiming it has the "highest power ever documented by a laser weapon of its type." That truck certainly won't argue.



— Keith Wagstaff