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Leila Register / NBC News

Can you tell which piece of audio was made by AI?

Advanced AI can now mimic any human. Take our quiz and see whether you can tell the difference.

Hearing is believing? Not these days.

Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence have made it easy for just about anyone to generate convincing fake audio of people speaking.

Can you tell real from fake audio? We’ve assembled nine examples to test your ear. Don’t worry — even advanced software still has trouble telling real from fake.

How'd you do? Pass or fail, you shouldn't feel overconfident about your ability to spot AI audio, nor should you be worried that everything you hear is fake.

Instead, we hope this offered some concrete examples and important context to understand this impressive technology. If you see something that triggers skepticism, seek out trusted sources that have a good track record in disseminating verified information.

And if you're looking for more, check out our AI art quiz.