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5h ago

Suspected female suicide bombers kill at least 18 in Nigeria, authorities say

So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the the attacks, but Gwoza is in Borno state, which has been heavily impacted by an insurgency launched in 2009 by Boko Haram.
Injured people lay on hospital beds
Injured people lay on hospital beds
11h ago

France’s exceptionally high-stakes election has begun. The far right leads preelection polls.

Many French voters are frustrated about inflation and economic concerns, as well as President Emmanuel Macron’s leadership, which they see as arrogant and out of touch.
Image: French President Macron votes in the first round of the 2024 snap legislative elections
Image: French President Macron votes in the first round of the 2024 snap legislative elections
13h ago

Bolivian general accused of failed coup is transferred to maximum-security prison

General Juan José Zúñiga led armored vehicles to the doors of Bolivia’s government palace vowing to "restore democracy." He now faces charges of terrorism and starting an armed uprising.
1d ago

Crossbow attacker wounds a police officer guarding Israel’s embassy in Serbia before being shot dead

The policeman was conscious when he was transported to Belgrade’s main emergency hospital after being shot in the neck with a crossbow.
Police officers block off traffic
Police officers block off traffic
1d ago

China tells Taiwanese to visit ‘in high spirits,’ despite execution threat

Taiwan's government raised its travel warning for China after Beijing threatened to execute “diehard” independence supporters.
2d ago

Iran to hold runoff election between reformist Pezeshkian and hard-liner Jalili

After counting over 24 million votes, Masoud Pezeshkian had 10.41 million while Saeed Jalili held 9.47 million, triggering a runoff election.
Iranians go to the polls June 28, to elect a new president after ultraconservative Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash last month, with a sole reformist among the candidates.
Iranians go to the polls June 28, to elect a new president after ultraconservative Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash last month, with a sole reformist among the candidates.
2d ago

Panama court acquits 28 people tied to Panama Papers, Operation Car Wash

The defendants were accused of money-laundering in cases linked to a global tax evasion scandal and anti-corruption probe.

Iranians vote to replace president who died in a helicopter crash

Facing a flagging economy, regional tensions and the potential re-election of Donald Trump, whose administration worked to isolate the Islamic Republic, Iran’s leadership is looking for a high turnout to endorse its agenda. 
Iran Election Voting in Kuwait
Iran Election Voting in Kuwait
2d ago

British PM Rishi Sunak says he’s ‘incredibly angry’ over alleged bets on election date

The story threatens to further derail a Conservative Party campaign that has been beset by pitfalls and public ire since its launch. 
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
2d ago

Two U.S. airmen charged with separate sexual assaults in Japan

Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki told reporters this week: “I’m at a total loss of words. I’m just filled with anger.”
Kadena Air Base in Japan in 2010.
Kadena Air Base in Japan in 2010.
2d ago

South Korea releases video showing North Korean missile exploding in flight

North Korea had claimed to have successfully conducted an important test aimed at developing missiles able to deploy multiple warheads, a claim rejected by the South.
North Korea claims successful test to develop multiple warhead missile
North Korea claims successful test to develop multiple warhead missile