Shadow and Bone Guide: Characters, Map and More - Netflix Tudum

The Grishaverse of Shadow and Bone is filled with magic, monsters and so much more. From the brutally cold climes of Fjerda to the bustling ports of Novyi Zem, it’s a world inhabited by Grisha, the humans who practice the Small Science and who can slow down a person’s heart with a wave of their hands; ragtag gang members who operate by their own rules and winged creatures who dwell in the shadows, awaiting their prey. Here is our guide to everything and everywhere within the Grishaverse. Read it and maybe you too will be ready to cross the Fold — just watch out for volcra.


Ahmrat Jen (AHM-rhat jen)

Capital of Shu Han, and home of the royal palace and temples.

Alina Starkov aka the Sun Summoner

An orphan who originally served as a First Army cartographer, Alina comes to realize she possesses immense Grisha abilities as a Sun Summoner. Her powers put her in direct conflict with General Kirigan aka the Darkling, whom she injured during their most recent battle. At the end of Season 1, Alina is in possession of the Stag amplifier and has escaped from and seemingly vanquished the Darkling. 

Alkemi (AHL-keh-mee)

Sub-order of Grisha who specialize in chemical manipulation and the creation of blasting powders and poisons. They belong to the greater order of Materialki and wear purple uniforms with red embroidery.  


A living creature whose bones amplify the powers of the Grisha who slays it — or the Grisha whom the creature chooses, as the stag did with Alina.

The Apparat

The mysterious spiritual adviser to Ravka’s royal family, who is the one who initially tells Alina about Grisha folklore — including Morozova’s amplifiers. 


A powerful Grisha instructor and Shadow Summoner hardened by time and circumstance with zero interest in pleasantries. She is also the Darkling’s mother… not that she’s particularly proud of that fact. 

The Barrel

The dangerous underbelly of Ketterdam, and home to Kaz Brekker’s Crow Club.

Bhez Ju (BHAYZ zshu)

A port city in Shu Han.

The Black Heretic, also known as the Darkling, General Kirigan, and Aleksander

A legendary Shadow Summoner and former leader of the Second Army, who is revealed to have created the Shadow Fold hundreds of years ago, and is now determined to see his life’s work completed by expanding the Fold and using it as a weapon. But his wounds from his last battle with Sun Summoner Alina Starkov have made him more dangerous and unpredictable than ever before.

Black Veil

Refers to the Black Veil Cemetery in Ketterdam, home of the mausoleum where the Crows hide out after jobs.

Bone Road

The region in the True Sea where the sea whip is rumored to live, home to Jelka Island.


 Council of Tides

A group of powerful Grisha Tidemakers that controls shipping in and out of Ketterdam.


Plural form of Corporalnik, the Order of the Living and the Dead and the highest-ranking and most valued Order. This order of Grisha includes Heartrenders, Healers and Tailors.

The Crows

The Ketterdam-based gang run by Kaz Brekker, aka Dirtyhands. Its members also include Inej Ghafa and Jesper Fahey. 

The Crow Club

​​Kaz Brekker’s gambling den on Ketterdam’s East Stave, which Kaz uses as collateral to win Inej’s freedom from Tante Heleen, who operated the Menagerie at the time. 

The Cut

A difficult move performed by Grisha Summoners that allows them to cut through anything — including flesh. General Kirigan is known for his mastery of a Cut that’s executed out of pure shadow, but is as deadly as the sharpest steel.

Cyan Morpho (sai-an MOR-fo)

A butterfly that processes deadly nectar and pollinates the poisonous plants known as Datura Meloxia (datt-UR-ah mell-OX-ee-a).

David Kostyk

A brilliant Fabrikator in the Second Army with a passion for scientific discovery. David finds himself beholden to the service of the Darkling. 

The Dime Lions

Pekka Rollins’ gang, rivals of the Crows and the most dangerous crew in the Barrel.

Djel (dyel)

Fjerdan god, the Wellspring, sacred to the Drüskelle.


The wealthy merchant in Ketterdam who tasks the Crows with finding and bringing him Alina Starkov, promising them 1 million kruge (Kerch currency) in return.

Drüskelle (droo-SKEHL-uh)

An elite group of soldiers within Fjerda's military, specifically trained to hunt, capture and execute Grisha. They consider wolves sacred and train them to serve as their fighting companions.


Suborder of Grisha who can manipulate solid matter including wood, metal and glass. They belong to the greater order of Materialki and wear purple uniforms with gray embroidery. 

Dva Stolba (dva STOL-bah)

A valley in Southern Ravka along the Shu border.

East Ravka

The portion of Ravka that lies east of the Fold. Home to the royal palaces and the former Grisha seat of power, the Little Palace. Locked in a geographic prison with Shu Han to the south and Fjerda to the north, East Ravka’s only lifeline is West Ravka. But with the deadly expansion of the Fold encroaching upon them, no country’s survival is guaranteed.

Emerald Palace

Pekka Rollins’ club, run by the Dime Lions gang.


Plural form of Etherialnik, the Order of Summoners — Grisha that includes Inferni, Tidemakers, Squallers, Shadow Summoners and Sun Summoners.


A general term for Grisha belonging to the Materialki. This order includes Alkemi and Durasts.


A highly contagious, deadly disease that previously killed many during an outbreak in Ketterdam.

First Army

Ravka’s non-Grisha soldiers who were drafted at age 17, including Mal, for example. They are severely underfunded and outfitted with malfunctioning, outdated weapons. 

Fjerda (Fee-YAIR-dah)

An icy, heavily militarized country to the north of Ravka. The term Fjerdan' refers to the citizens, language and customs of Fjerda.


A powerful tidemaker who is deeply loyal to the Darkling.

Genya Safin

A rare type of Grisha known as a Tailor, which allows her to manipulate physical appearances. She is an outsider at the royal court and has a close relationship to Alina Starkov. 


Individuals with the power to practice the Small Science, or the manipulation of matter at fundamental levels. In Ravka, Grisha are soldiers of the Second Army, the military elite led by the Darkling. They are divided into three Orders according to their specific abilities.


A term that encompasses all of the characters, places, mythology and history in author Leigh Bardugo’s extended Shadow and Bone universe. Bardugo’s novels that inspired the series include the Shadow and Bone trilogy, the Six of Crows duology, the King of Scars duology, The Language of ThronesDemon in the Wood and The Lives of Saints.

The Grand Palace

The ancestral home of Ravka’s royal family in the capital city of Os Alta.


Suborder of Grisha who can manipulate and heal the cells of the human body. The Healers belong to the greater order of Corporalki and wear red uniforms with gray embroidery. 


Suborder of Grisha who can manipulate the cells of the human body. The Heartrenders belong to the greater order of the Corporalki. They require a line of sight for this Small Science and wear red uniforms with black embroidery. 


The infamous — and brutal — high-security prison outside of Ketterdam. Matthias is being held here.


Fights between prisoners, and prisoners and animals, in Hellgate Prison. The gruesome illegal spectacle is run by Pekka Rollins, with spectators betting on the fights.


A flying ship invented by Captain Sturmhond, infamous privateer.

Hringkälla (H’RING-kah-luh)

The Fjerdan vernal equinox holy night celebration, during which new Drüskelle are initiated. It’s the biggest celebration in Fjerda.

The Ice Court

A military stronghold and palace in Fjerda’s capital. It contains a high-security prison, facilities of the Drüskelle as well as the Royal Palace and treasury.

Inej Ghafa

A key member of Kaz’s gang. Known as the Wraith, she’s a dangerous spy with a troubled past and the kind of knife skills you would never want to test.


Suborder of Grisha who can manipulate — but not create — fire. They belong to the order of Etherealki and wear blue uniforms with red embroidery.

Istorii Sankt’ya (yee-STOH-ree-yee SAHNKT-yuh)

A book of saints’ lives that includes the tale of Morozova and his three mythological amplifiers: the stag, sea whip and firebird.

Jelka (JEL-kah)

An island in the Bone Road in the True Sea, where, according to legend, the sea whip resides. 

Jesper Fahey

A sharpshooter — and sharp dresser — who can’t walk away from a wager, even one as risky as running with Kaz. Jesper is also a close friend of Milo the goat.

Jordan “Jordie” Rietveld

The late brother of Kaz Brekker. He was a hopeful boy who died of firepox. 

The Kaelish Prince

Formerly known as the Crow Club, which was bought by Pekka Rollins after Kaz Brekker put the deed up as collateral for Inej Ghafa’s release. The Crow Club has since been rebranded under Rollins’ ownership. The Kaelish Prince is also, Pekka’s nickname for his son Alby Rollins. 

Kaz Brekker

A rising star in Ketterdam’s criminal underworld. He is the leader of the Crows and possesses a gift for masterminding unlikely schemes and acts of vengeance. Kaz is never seen without his cane and is very protective of his mysterious past.  


The standard Grisha robe, made of corecloth, a near-bulletproof material.

Keramzin (KER-ahm-zin)

The name of the small town in Ravka where Alina Starkov and Malyen Oretsev grew up together in an orphanage.


A tiny island nation and maritime powerhouse, which has remained politically neutral. Its capital, Ketterdam, is a prosperous, cosmopolitan, thriving hub of legal and illegal trade. Kerch is also the term used to reference the country’s language and citizens.


Kerch’s capital and largest city. A bustling cultural melting pot and the central hub for all international trade — both legal and illegal. Ketterdam’s criminal underworld is full of gang leaders vying for control, including Kaz Brekker’s Crows and Pekka Rollins’ Dime Lions.

King Pyotr

The ruler of Ravka, who wants to unite its disparate parts. He’s the father of Prince Vasily and Nikolai.

Kribirsk (kree-BEERSK)

Small port town beside the Shadow Fold in East Ravka.

Kruge (KROO-guh)

Kerch currency.


The name of the Ravkan royal family (King Pyotr, Queen Tatiana, Vasily and Nikolai).

Little Palace

The former home of the Grisha in the Ravkan capital of Os Alta. Grisha were given this safe haven in return for their service in the Second Army; it’s the most secure place in Ravka.

Malyen “Mal” Oretsev

Alina’'s childhood best friend who initially serves as a gifted tracker in the First Army. He is now technically classified as a deserter. Mal is also Alina’s greatest ally (and maybe more). 


Plural form of Materialnik, the Order of Fabrikators. Durasts and Alkemi fall under this order.

Matthias Helvar

Fjerdan witch hunter who was raised to despise the Grisha and their powers. His opinions change once he meets charming Heartrender Nina Zenik. 

The Menagerie

Formerly owned by Tante Heleen, this Ketterdam brothel is now owned by Pekka Rollins — and it’s where Inej Ghafa remains indentured.

Merchant Council

An elected body that governs Kerch and heavily influences business and trade in Ketterdam.


Kerch slang term for merchants in Ketterdam.

Merzost (MER-zhost)

Ravkan for “abomination” and what we might call magic. The term refers to the forbidden use of Grisha power to create or animate matter, which has dire consequences. The use of merzost results in mysterious, dangerously unpredictable powers. Merzost works in opposition to the Small Science which can manipulate but not create or animate matter and which exists in harmony with the natural world. 

“Moi soverenyi” (moi soh-vuh-REHN-yee)

Formal Ravkan title used to address General Kirigan.

“Moi tsar” (moi TSAR)

Formal Ravkan title used to address the king of Ravka.

“Moya tsaritsa” (MOI-ya TSAH-ree-tsuh)

Formal Ravkan title used to address the queen of Ravka.

“Moi tsarevich” (moi TSAR-uh-vich)

Formal Ravkan title to address the prince of Ravka.

“Madraya” (mah-DRAY-ah)

Ravkan for “mother.”

Morozova (moh-roh-TSOH-vuh), aka the Bonesmith or Sankt Ilya (sankt EEL-lee-yuh)

A legendary and powerful Grisha man rumored to have modified three mythical creatures — the stag, sea whip and firebird — into unparalleled amplifiers.

Nadia Zhabin

A Squaller in the Second Army who befriends Alina despite opposition from Zoya. 

Neredi (neh-REH-dee)

Zemeni currency.

Nichevo’ya (nih-cheh-VOY-ah)

Ravkan for “nothings,” and the name given to the shadow creatures that follow Kirigan and attack whenever his safety is threatened. They were created by Kirigan’s use of merzost to expand the Fold. The creatures can be temporarily dissolved by phosphorus bullets or Alina Starkov’s Sun Summoner light, but are extremely difficult to destroy.

Nina Zenik

A joyful, pleasure-loving Heartrender and spy who can kill without ever laying a finger on you. 

Novyi Zem (noh-vee-yee-ZEM)

A large country across the True Sea from Ravka, known for ship building, agriculture and advancements in gunsmithing. The nation is also known for serving as a refuge for those looking to start over. The term Zemeni (ZEH-meh-nee) refers to the language and citizens of Novyi Zem.

Novokribirsk (noh-voh-KREE-beersk)

Sister town to Kribirsk in West Ravka. The town was swallowed when Kirigan expanded the nearby Fold after his battle with Alina Starkov.


Mining town in Ravka.

Os Alta (ohs AHL-tuh)

East Ravka’s capital and largest city.

Os Kervo (ohs KER-voh)

West Ravka’s capital and largest city.

Otkazat’sya (oht-kah-ZAHT-syah)

A term for members of the non-Grisha First Army meaning “the abandoned.”

Pekka Rollins

The leader of the Dime Lions gang, and Kaz’s rival. 


A Kerch slang term for easy targets, those who appear clueless and trusting, and are likely to fall prey to con artists.

Prince Nikolai Lantsov, aka Sturmhond

Nikolai is a prince, the youngest son of the King and Queen of Ravka. He served in the First Army’s infantry, and rather than return to royal life, created an alter ego: Sturmhond, a famous privateer who sails throughout the world, making deals and building trust, all in the service of Ravka. Nikolai is charming, devious and an eternal optimist. He loves Ravka and wants to make his country a better place for Grisha and non-Grisha alike.

Prince Vasily

The crown prince of Ravka. 

Queen Tatiana

The queen of Ravka, who appreciates it when Genya Safin uses her powers to touch up her appearance.


One of the largest countries in the world, landlocked between the Fold, Fjerda and Shu Han. Rich in resources, but lagging behind the rest of the world in technology and industrial development. The Shadow Fold splits the country into East and West Ravka. The term Ravkan refers to the language and citizens of Ravka.

Razrushahya (rahs-RUE-sha-yah)

Ravkan for “ruined,” a term used to describe Genya Safin after she’s attacked by General Kirigan’s nichevo’ya.

Rusalye (roo-SAHL-yeh), aka the sea whip

A legendary sea beast, rumored to be the second of Morozova’s three amplifiers.

Ryevost (REE-ye-vohst)

The largest river city in Ravka.

Sankt/Sankta (sankt/SAHNK-tah)

Ravkan for “saint.”


A ship-like mode of transportation for soldiers and supplies, designed to move soundlessly through the sands of the Shadow Fold.

Second Army

Ravka’s military elite, made up of Grisha soldiers who followed the command of the Darkling. The Second Army previously lived and trained at the Little Palace in Os Alta, Ravka’s capital. However, Grisha alliances have been split since Kirigan’s defeat in the Shadow Fold.

The Shadow Fold, or the Fold, or the Unsea

A massive swath of unnatural darkness stretching from Fjerda through Ravka and into Shu Han, which is inhabited by winged monsters known as volcra that feast on human flesh. Created by the Black Heretic with merzost, and then further expanded after his most recent battle with Alina Starkov, the Fold split Ravka in two and led to years of war. Alina Starkov is determined to destroy it.

Shadow Summoner

A powerful Grisha who is descended from a distinctive bloodline that gives them the power to summon darkness and blind or confound their enemies. A Shadow Summoner can also concentrate their power to forge a shadow blade known as the Cut. General Kirigan and his mother Baghra are the only two known Shadow Summoners.

Shu Han (shoo HAHN)

A vast and prosperous nation to the south of Ravka with a well-trained and sizable army. It’s been at war with Ravka for centuries. The term Shu refers to the language and citizens of Shu Han. Alina is half Shu. 

Small Science

The Grisha ability to manipulate matter at its most fundamental levels. The Grisha don’t consider this to be “magic.” Grisha cannot create matter or life, but can alter what already exists.


Suborder of Grisha who can manipulate wind. They’re part of the larger order of the Etherealki and wear blue uniforms with silver embroidery. 

Stadwatch (STAHD-watch)

The official police force of Ketterdam.

Suli (SOO-lee)

A nomadic Ravkan ethnic minority, often regarded disparagingly by the Ravkan majority.

Sun Summoner

A powerful Grisha who can form and summon sunlight. Alina Starkov is the first and only known Sun Summoner.

Suntsa Sar (SUNT-sah sahr)

The Shu festival of the dead.

Sweet Shop

A brothel and gambling den in Ketterdam owned by Pekka Rollins.


A suborder of Grisha that can alter human phenotypes. They’re part of the greater order of the Corporalki.

Tamar Kir-Bataar

She’s a Heartrender Grisha from Shu Han, but loyal to no country. She and her twin brother, Tolya, are part of Sturmhond’s crew and good friends with their captain. Her weapons of choice are her dual axes. Tamar has left heartbroken women in every port — but she may have met her match in Nadia. She’s bold and always up for an adventure with a dose of danger.


A suborder of Grisha who can manipulate water. They’re part of the greater order of the Etherealki and wear blue cloth uniforms with pale blue embroidery.

Tolya Yul-Bataar

Tolya is Shu and Ravkan. He’s a Heartrender Grisha from Shu Han, but like his twin sister, Tamar, he’s loyal to no country. His weapon of choice is a sword. Tolya is always hungry for food and poetry and believes deeply in the power of the Saints.

True Sea

The large ocean bordering all countries in the Grishaverse. Unlike the shadowy Unsea, the True Sea is a corporeal body of water. 

Udemya (oo-DEM-yah)

A town in West Ravka that is destroyed by the Fold. Some survivors flee across the True Sea to Novyi Zem.

Ulensk (OO-lensk)

A town with a military base in Ravka.



An Alkemi who joins up with Kirigan after the Darkling saves him. Before being captured, he used his abilities to help his village, from crafting remedies for muscle pains to cleaning water. 

Volcra (VOHL-krah)

Vicious, deformed, winged monsters who inhabit the Shadow Fold and feed on human flesh. Highly sensitive to light, the volcra were once human before the Darkling created the Shadow Fold.

Volkvolny (volk-VOHL-nee)

The name of Sturmhond’s ship, which means “wolf of the waves” in Ravkan.

Wandering Isle

A small country north of Novyi Zem. The term Kaelish (KAY-lish) refers to the language and citizens of the Wandering Isle.

West Ravka

The part of Ravka that lies west of the Fold, with access to the coastline and trade with the politically neutral country of Kerch across the True Sea.

Wylan Hendricks

Wylan is Kerch. He’s a sensitive person who plays flute and likes to stay out of trouble, but he’s also a chemist who’s very good with explosives — and he shares some explosive chemistry with Jesper. Wylan is incredibly smart but insecure and often secretive.



Zvedya Fort (ZVED-yah)

A Ravkan fort south of Kribirsk.

Zowa (ZOH-wuh)

The Zemeni word for “blessed,” the term is used for all Grisha regardless of their specific individual powers. The Zemeni don’t differentiate or label Grisha according to their power.

Zoya Nazyalensky

A gifted Squaller and member of the Second Army who’s as arrogant as she is powerful.

Images: Dávid Lukács/Netflix, Timea Saghy/Netflix

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