Gynecological Expert Reveals the Best Way To Sleep for a Healthy Vagina

As the mercury continues to drop across the U.S, it can be tempting to work from home in your thickest pajamas and sleep wrapped in a cocoon of warm blankets. But gynecologists have warned that this sleepy snow-day setup, while comfortable, can leave you vulnerable to vaginal infections.

So how can you optimize your sleep environment for a healthy vagina during the coldest months of the year? Newsweek spoke to Valentina Milanova, women's health expert and founder of the gynecological health company, Daye, to find out.

Bedtime Rituals

"Before bedtime, ensure you thoroughly clean and dry your vaginal area," Milanova told Newsweek. "Avoid using harsh soaps or douches that can disrupt the natural pH balance. Instead, use a mild, unscented soap and gently pat the area dry with a clean towel."

Maintaining a balanced vaginal microbiome is essential for vaginal health, but it also provides a moist, warm environment for other bacterial species to grow. "To prevent moisture buildup that can contribute to vaginal infections, keep your bedroom temperature comfortably cool, around [66.2 degrees Fahrenheit]."


As well as the surrounding room temperature, your bedding itself plays an important role in maintaining an optimal sleeping environment.

"Opt for bedding made from natural, breathable materials like cotton or linen," Milanova said. "These materials help wick moisture away from your body, reducing the risk of fungal or bacterial growth caused by night-time sweating.

"Bedding derived from bamboo can also be soft, moisture-wicking, and hypoallergenic, making it a suitable choice for maintaining vaginal health."

Itchy vagina
Stock photo. Your sleeping position could be leaving you vulnerable to vaginal infections. Doucefleur/Getty


When it comes to bedwear, it's often said that the vagina should be free to breath. But, in the winter months that is not always possible.

"The choice between sleeping naked and wearing pajamas largely depends on personal preference and comfort," Milanova said. "Both options have their benefits for vaginal health.

"Sleeping naked allows for maximum airflow, aiding in keeping the vaginal area dry and reducing the risk of infections. It may also promote better body temperature regulation, particularly in warmer climates or during hot seasons.

"Wearing pajamas provides warmth and insulation, which can be important during the winter months to prevent excessive body cooling that might disrupt your sleep."

When choosing pajamas, Milanova recommends silky materials: "While silk pajamas may be more luxurious, they are gentle on the skin and assist in maintaining vaginal moisture balance."

Of course, the sleeping environment is only one component of overall vaginal health. So what else can you do to maintain a healthy vagina?

  • Stay Hydrated: "Drink plenty of water to help maintain vaginal moisture."
  • Use Lubrication: "To combat vaginal dryness, using water-based lubricants during sexual activity can provide comfort and reduce friction. Ensure that the lubricant you use has a pH level that is suitable for vaginal use."
  • Kegel Exercises: "These help maintain pelvic floor strength and improve elasticity."
  • Regular gynecological checkups: "Regardless of age, it's important for individuals to have regular gynecological checkups, including regular STI and HPV screens."
  • A diet rich in probiotic foods: "Maintaining a diet rich in probiotic foods like kefir and kimchi can increase the production of lactobacilli—the good bacteria that keep your vagina protected against infections."

Is there a health issue that's worrying you? Do you have a question about vaginal health? Let us know via [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.

Correction 01/09/24, 11:06 a.m. ET: This article was updated to correct Valentina Milanova's title.

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About the writer

Pandora Dewan is a Senior Science Reporter at Newsweek based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on science, health ... Read more

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