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The Lede

The Chaos Continues at Columbia

Campus workers, who feel like they’ve been left in the lurch by college administrators, are figuring out how to deal with the latest wave of student demonstrations.
Q. & A.

Does Biden Understand Netanyahu’s Aims in Gaza?

Dennis Ross, a longtime Middle East negotiator, on the competing interests stymieing a hostage deal—and a possible end to the war.
The Political Scene Podcast

Randall Kennedy on Harvard Protests, Antisemitism, and the Meaning of Free Speech

“The word ‘safety,’ ” the legal scholar tells David Remnick, has “been very much inflated,” and defining antisemitism too broadly will have a chilling effect on academic freedom.
Daily Comment

Co-Teaching a Class on Israel and Palestine

A miniature academic peace process suggests how a university might organize for difficult subjects—and what, after all, universities are.
Annals of Education

How a Student Group Is Politicizing a Generation on Palestine

Activists with Students for Justice in Palestine have mobilized major campus demonstrations in support of Gaza—and provided an intellectual framework for protesters watching what’s happening in the Middle East.
Q. & A.

What October 7th Did and Didn’t Change About Israeli Politics

A pollster examines support for a two-state solution, Benjamin Netanyahu’s falling approval ratings, and why the next Prime Minister may not change course on relations with Palestinians.
Q. & A.

The Extreme Ambitions of West Bank Settlers

A leader of the settlement movement on expanding into Gaza, and her vision for the Jewish state.
Daily Comment

How Would a Humanitarian Pause Work in Gaza?

The vague, technocratic term was apparently chosen to avoid “ceasefire.”

The Agony of Waiting for a Ceasefire That Never Comes

When the war in Gaza started, my family fled to the Jabalia refugee camp. Then Israel started bombing the camp.
News Desk

The Hamas Propaganda War

Across the Arab world, the group is successfully selling its narrative of resistance.
The Political Scene Podcast

Is There a Path Forward for Israel and Gaza?

David Remnick hears from two sources about how Israelis and Palestinians feel about the October 7th attacks, and what the future may hold for the region.
Daily Comment

The Uprooting of Life in Gaza and the West Bank

Israel’s Prime Minister has vowed to destroy Hamas and turn its territory into a “deserted island,” but Palestinians are determined not to be displaced.
Q. & A.

Is This the End of the Netanyahu Era?

A biographer of Israel’s longest-serving Prime Minister on how the country’s government has responded to the crisis in Gaza—and what comes next politically.
The Political Scene Podcast

What Is Hamas’s Strategy?

The New Yorker reporters David Kirkpatrick and Adam Rasgon, who recently spoke with a political leader of Hamas, discuss the group’s decision-making and evolution.
Q. & A.

What the War Means for Palestinians Inside Israel

A fifth of Israel’s citizens are Palestinian. How will the current conflict shape their political and cultural identity?
Infinite Scroll

How Social Media Abdicated Responsibility for the News

The Israel-Hamas war has displayed with fresh urgency the perils of relying on our feeds for updates about events unfolding in real time.
Our Columnists

The Tangled Grief of Israel’s Anti-Occupation Activists

Israelis who advocate for Palestinian rights are simultaneously absorbing two streams of traumatic news: the brutality and extent of Hamas’s attacks and the bombardment and siege of Gaza.
The Political Scene Podcast

“It’s Just an Impossible Situation”: Tragedy in Israel and Gaza

Reporting from Tel Aviv, Ruth Margalit discusses Hamas’s massacre of Israeli civilians and Netanyahu’s siege of Gaza.
Q. & A.

Could the Attack on Israel Spell the End of Hamas?

What Israel’s response to Saturday’s incursion might mean for Palestinians—and their leaders—in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Food Scene

A Jewel of New Jersey’s Palestinian Enclave

Al-Basha, a trio of storefronts, is worth the trek for the spreads and homemade pita alone.