How are new programs announced?

Program announcements are posted in the Course Calendar section of the AGAI web page and emailed to attorneys who are eligible to attend a specific course.  If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact us at [email protected]

Who is eligible to attend AGAI programs?

AGAI programs are open to attorneys in the New Jersey Department of Law & Public Safety, county prosecutors and attorneys in other government agencies.  Some programs may be open to paraprofessionals or investigators.  AGAI programs are not open to the private bar. Please contact us with eligibility questions.

Who is eligible to attend specific AGAI programs?

Each program announcement contains eligibility language. Some programs are limited to employees in a particular department, division or section; others are limited to employees in a particular practice or subject matter area.  We select skills program students by experience level.

How is seating determined for general eligibility programs?

Employees from our funding agencies, the Department of Law and Public Safety and county prosecutors’ offices, receive seating preference for in-person, open eligibility programs.  Applicants from other agencies are registered, space allowing, at the discretion of the AGAI, with preference given to attorneys whose job responsibilities align with the subject matter of a program.

Is there a fee for AGAI programs?

The AGAI does not charge for its programs.

Does the AGAI grant CLE credit for in-person programs?

The AGAI is an accredited in-person CLE provider for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and by reciprocity, New York.

Does the AGAI grant CLE credit for webinars?

The AGAI is an accredited New Jersey alternative verifiable learning format (AVF) provider and conducts webinars through Zoom.  In order to earn CLE credit for webinars, students must download Zoom before taking their first program. 

The New Jersey Board of Continuing Legal Education requires a verification component for AVF programs.  Polling questions will pop up at random intervals throughout a webinar and students must answer all of the questions correctly in order to confirm attendance and receive CLE credit. If a student did not download Zoom, their polling responses will not be recorded and the AGAI will be unable to grant CLE credit.

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