Death With Dignity in Maryland

In 2024, Maryland failed to pass an aid-in-dying law that would have allowed terminally ill patients to request life-ending medication.

By , MSLIS Long Island University
Updated 8/26/2024

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of states considering death with dignity laws. Sometimes called "medical aid in dying," "assisted suicide," or "right to die" initiatives, these laws make it possible for terminally ill patients to use prescribed medication to end their lives peacefully rather than suffering a painful and protracted death.

The catalyst for greater national attention to this issue was 29-year-old Brittany Maynard, a woman diagnosed with terminal brain cancer who moved from California to Oregon to end her life in 2014. Maynard chose Oregon because California had not yet passed its aid-in-dying law, and Oregon is one of just a few other states to allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives.

Maryland's 2024 End-of-Life Option Act

Maryland lawmakers have tried to pass a death with dignity law for years. In the 2024 legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly considered a new medical aid in dying bill, called the End-of-Life Option Act (numbered HB0403 in the state house of representatives and SB0443 in the senate). However, the bills died in committee. If legislators had approved the bill, the law would have functioned much like Oregon's Death With Dignity Act, allowing terminally ill patients who met certain requirements to request and use life-ending medication.

Advocating for a Medical Aid in Dying Act in Maryland

Citizen groups are continuing to work to legalize aid in dying in Maryland. If choice at the end of life is important to you, here are some things you can do:

Making a Will or Advance Directive

"Death with dignity" and "medical aid in dying" are two of the most commonly accepted phrases describing the process by which a terminally ill person ingests prescribed medication to hasten death. You may also see the phrase "right to die" used in place of either of these terms. However, "right to die" is more accurately used in the context of directing one's own medical care—that is, refusing life-sustaining treatment such as a respirator or feeding tubes when permanently unconscious or close to death. In Maryland or any other state, you have a right to provide such directions or give any other health care instructions by completing an advance health care directive.

For information about appointing a health care agent and making known your wishes for medical care at the end of life, see the Living Wills & Medical Powers of Attorney section of

Learn More

To find out more about the history and current status of death with dignity laws in the United States, visit the website of the Death With Dignity National Center.

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