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Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

NSGC's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) can enhance your involvement in NSGC and expand your career network. SIGs offer opportunities to increase your leadership skills, help plan targeted educational offerings, and simply meet other NSGC members with similar interests, areas of specialization or practice settings.

NSGC members are now able to access and join an unlimited amount of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). View the instruction guide for more information about joining SIGs.

New SIG Application Process

If you are interested in starting a new SIG, please complete this application by July 31, 2024. Please send all completed applications to the NSGC Executive Office ([email protected]). For more information about the review and approval process, please refer to the Policy on Evaluation of Special Interest Groups on page 17 of the NSGC Policy Manual.

SIG Project and Grant Funding Application Processes

Visit the SIG Project and Grant Funding Processes page to access information about the application processes.

NSGC Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 
