Our aim is to ensure that you feel that you work in a secure job in a good working environment.
Tri N. Dinh

Join our struggle

As a union member you can take part in the struggle for fairness at work along with some 50.000 colleagues.

NTL is a trade union with some 50,000 members, many of whom are employed in the state sector. We also have members in a number of other public sector enterprises. All ­staff at these workplaces are eligible for membership of NTL, irrespective of educational background and position. NTL also has special membership terms for students at university colleges and universities.


Get in touch
We would love to get in touch with you! Contact your local NTL rep (if you don't know who it is you might find your local rep here) or the national headquarters at [email protected]. If you are looking for a specific officer at the national HQ, you find a list of individual contact information here.


What we do
NTL’s goals include bringing about quality-driven improvements in public administration and state enterprises. We also work for improvements in personnel policy and for greater opportunities for professional development. NTL’s aim is a pay policy based on the principle of solidarity, which also safeguards the interests of employees with higher education.


Pay negotiation

NTL’s main position is that pay should be negotiated collectively with strike action being the ultimate response to conflict resolution, and therefore NTL generally argues for nationwide negotiations covering all employees in the sector.

Our aim is to ensure that you feel that you work in a secure job in a good working environment. We ­believe that you should have a salary that you can live on and working hours that you can live with.

Read more about pay negotiation and NTLs position


Local representation and individual grievances

There are 3000 NTL trade union representatives at work­places throughout Norway. They are well trained and will be there for you when you need help, for example during a dispute at your place of work.

Read more about how NTL can help you should the need arise



We want a society that is safe and fair for all. With this aim in mind, we play an active part in the development and renewal of the welfare state, fighting climate change and in international social ­issues.

Read more about NTL's policies


NTL Ung offers students and young employees a framework for activism and participation, education and sharing of knowledge, and an opportunity to meet other young union activists. NTL Ung has a small office co-located with NTL in Oslo, and you can reach them at [email protected]


Join us today!

Join online (norwegian language) or download English entry form, fill in, scan and e-mail to [email protected]


Our membership offers a wide range of benefits:

- Representation and security regarding pay and conditions of employment

- Co-determination in employment issues

- Training free of charge organized by NTL, LO Stat and AOF

- Legal assistance free of charge in employment-related issues

- The right to apply for education grants

- Norway's best home contents insurance and a competitive travel insurance

- A series of insurances and other products from LOfavør, check out www.lofavor.no


Terms and conditions

Membership fee in NTL is 1,1% of your income. In most cases the fee is deducted from your pay, and to achieve this NTL regularly transfers membership information to employers. As a consequence, membership in NTL is not secret.

I addition to the membership fee you pay a premium for the collective LOfavør insurance schemes: Home contents insurance, which is mandatory, and travel insurance, which is an option. Check out this year's insurance premium costs.

You may deduct trade union membership fees from your taxes. The limit for this deduction is as of 2023 kr. 7.700. Read more about this on the web pages of the Norwegian Tax Administration.


Terms and conditions for students

Students pay only kr 250 for the the duration of their studies (max. 5 years), and that includes the home contents insurance. To be eligible for this your income must not exceed the income limits for funding from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.



NTLs organisasjon
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