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De Blasio official urges clergy to stay out of protests, sparking outrage

  • Mayor Bill de Blasio

    Luiz C. Ribeiro/for New York Daily News

    Mayor Bill de Blasio

  • Demonstrators gather at Barclays Center on Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020.

    Jeff Bachner/for New York Daily News

    Demonstrators gather at Barclays Center on Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020.



The de Blasio administration is urging religious leaders to stay off the streets during any demonstrations over the presidential election.

“The NYPD has asked that faith leaders not go into the street in groups or attempt to engage any protestors,” Rev. Dominique Atchison, head of the mayor’s Center for Faith and Community Partnerships, wrote leaders on Tuesday afternoon.

“A safe recommendation would be to make sure your community knows you are available in person if possible, on the phone or via virtual means,” she added. “If possible and safe for you, be at your house of worship this evening to offer prayer and support to those who may be feeling anxiety or fear.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio
Mayor Bill de Blasio

The missive sparked outrage from religious leaders.

“I was extremely alarmed and disturbed by it,” Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg of Queens told the Daily News. “It feels like the mayor and NYPD are trying to divide clergy from our community.

“We want to be out there in order to help de-escalate and ensure that there isn’t police abuse,” added Goldenberg, co-chair of the Rabbinic Council of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.

In recent days, de Blasio has said the NYPD is preparing for potential large protests but shied away from discouraging demonstrators.

Demonstrators gather at Barclays Center on Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020.
Demonstrators gather at Barclays Center on Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2020.

“If there is going to be a protest, as always, it needs to be peaceful, and peaceful protest will always be respected and facilitated,” Hizzoner said at a Tuesday press conference.

Rabbi Jill Jacobs, head of the human rights group T’ruah, noted her organization has been training rabbis in de-escalation and providing chaplain services on the street.

“If there is a protest on the street, what you actually want is clergy to be out there talking to people and calming down any tensions,” she told The News.

“There’s not a single rabbi or probably other clergy members who’s going to react to that letter and decide not to go out in the street if that’s what the moment demands,” Jacobs added.

“What they seem to be prepared for is total and utter chaos or at least a response … and they’re telling us, ‘Stay home because we can’t protect you,'” said Rev. Kaji Dousa of the Park Avenue Christian Church.

De Blasio spokesman Bill Neidhardt said “this letter and comment are regarding a specific scenario regarding approaching violent groups or potential demonstrations that evolve into situations when it will be hard to ensure the safety of clergy.

“Everyone’s ability to exercise their first amendment rights are protected and encouraged,” he added. “Peaceful protests, demonstrations or celebrations are welcomed. Clergy have long played an important role in guiding New Yorkers in powerful, meaningful protests, and that will always be true.”

After The News reported on Atchison’s email, she sent another message to clergy leaders on Tuesday night.

“I wanted to write to clarify my statements in an earlier email,” she wrote. “We affirm the First Amendment Rights of all New Yorkers. It is, therefore, not our goal to hinder anyone’s right to gather and express themselves through protest.

“We also care deeply about your safety,” Atchison added. “And we hope that you would not put yourselves in any unsafe situations in order to keep the peace.”

At Hizzoner’s Election Day press conference, he said there were no early indications widespread unrest would sweep through the city.

But he also stressed protesters should keep their distance from any troublemakers.

“If you see anyone suggesting violence or starting to act in a violent manner, move away from them, separate from them, report them,” he said, addressing people who plan to demonstrate.

The NYPD instructed shop owners to secure belongings outdoors to prevent them from being used as projectiles. And shop owners from the Bronx to Midtown boarded up their stores.

But de Blasio said businesses don’t have “a particular reason” to batten down the hatches in that way.

“Based on what we are seeing, there’s not a particular reason to do that,” he said on 1010 WINS. “It’s up to each store owner, obviously.”