
Recap: Ever had a question you wanted to ask Saku Koivu? Here's your chance

TURKU, Finland – I have a meeting with Saku Koivu scheduled for Monday morning in his hometown, and after all the reaction I got on social media from the photo of him and Canadiens top draft pick Jesperi Kotkaniemi on Friday, I decided I would give our subscribers an opportunity to ask the former Montreal captain a question.

Here’s how it will work; please leave a question in the discussion below and based on the number of likes it gets (and whether it’s an appropriate question to ask), I will choose three of the more popoular ones to ask Koivu when we meet.

So have at it. What would you ask Saku Koivu if you had the chance?

UPDATE: Thanks for all the questions everyone, Jaideep K., Thomas M., and Dave S. your questions were asked! Check back Tuesday to see Saku’s answers.

Arpon Basu

Arpon Basu

Aug 19, 2018