Nevada Election Results: Third House District

Lee Susie LeeDemocrat Dem.148,50151.9%
Tarkanian Danny TarkanianRepublican Rep.122,56642.8%
Brown Steve BrownLibertarian Lib.4,5551.6%
Goossen David GoossenIndependent Ind.3,6271.3%
Vickers Harry VickersIndependent American Ind. Am.3,4811.2%
Eisner Gil EisnerIndependent Ind.1,8870.7%
Gumina Tony GuminaIndependent Ind.1,5510.5%
Others Others 3,4381.2%

286,168 votes, 100% reporting (424 of 424 precincts)

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Susie Lee, a Democrat, and Danny Tarkanian, a Republican, are competing to fill the seat Ms. Rosen vacated to run for senate. The district is drawn to be “fair fight” terrain, with almost equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Mr. Tarkanian originally intended to challenge Mr. Heller in the Republican Senate primary, until President Trump intervened and persuaded him to run for Ms. Rosen’s seat instead.

Mr. Tarkanian is a perennial candidate who has run in the past for seats in the Senate, House of Representatives and State Senate. A real estate investor and former college basketball star, he has molded himself in Mr. Trump’s image in this race, promoting an “America First” approach. Ms. Lee, the founder of several nonprofit groups, has significantly outraised Mr. Tarkanian in campaign funds, and the nonpartisan Cook Political Report gives her the advantage.

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Results Map

Vote share

Dem. 50 60 70
Rep. 50 60 70
Other 50 60 70
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