

Climate and Environment

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  1. What Trump 2.0 Could Mean for the Environment

    If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he would likely face fewer legal and bureaucratic obstacles to dramatically remake the E.P.A.

     By Brad Plumer and

    Former president Trump has promised to repeal federal regulations designed to cut greenhouse gases.
    Former president Trump has promised to repeal federal regulations designed to cut greenhouse gases.
    CreditScott McIntyre for The New York Times
    1. Ask NYT Climate

      What’s Greenest and Cleanest When Nature Calls?

      Conventional toilet paper has a big environmental impact. We’ve got the lowdown on alternatives, from bamboo tissue to bidets.


      CreditNaomi Anderson-Subryan
  1. Home Insurance Rates in America Are Wildly Distorted. Here’s Why.

    Climate change is driving rates higher, but not always in areas with the greatest risk.

     By Christopher Flavelle and

    CreditThe New York Times
  2. As Solar Power Surges, U.S. Wind Is in Trouble

    A 2022 climate law was expected to set off a boom in renewable energy. So far, that’s only come partly true.

     By Brad Plumer and

    CreditThe New York Times
  3. The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish

    Low-lying tropical island nations were expected to be early victims of rising seas. But research tells a surprising story: Many islands are stable. Some have even grown.

     By Raymond ZhongJason Gulley and

    Rakeedhoo, population 76, is the least populated island in the Maldives. It is 700 feet wide and 1,200 feet long.
    CreditJason Gulley for The New York Times
  4. Trash or Recycling? Why Plastic Keeps Us Guessing.

    Did you know the “recycling” symbol doesn’t mean something is actually recyclable? Play our trashy garbage-sorting game, then read about why this is so tricky.

     By Hiroko Tabuchi and

    CreditRinee Shah
  5. Have Climate Questions? Get Answers Here.

    What’s causing global warming? How can we fix it? This interactive F.A.Q. will tackle your climate questions big and small.





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  1. A.I.’s Insatiable Appetite for Energy

    The soaring electricity demands of data centers and A.I. are straining the grid in some areas, pushing up emissions and slowing the energy transition.


    A data center in San Jose, Calif. A.I. is having a profound impact on energy demand around the world.
    CreditJim Wilson/The New York Times
  2. How the Home Insurance Market Became So Distorted

    Climate change and widely varied state regulations could mean you’re paying too much or far too little to insure your home.


    A home with weather-resistant roofing in Enid, Okla., where insurance costs more, as a share of home value, than almost anywhere else in the country.
    CreditDesiree Rios for The New York Times
  3. A Seismic Supreme Court Decision

    Here’s how the end of the Chevron doctrine could affect climate regulation.

     By David Gelles and

    On Friday, the Supreme Court upended 40 years of legal precedent, sharply limiting the regulatory authority of federal agencies.
    CreditRobert King/Reuters
  4. Biden vs. Trump on Climate Policy

    Ahead of the first presidential debate, we examined the climate stakes in this year’s election.


    The previous cycle’s final presidential debate in Nashville in 2020.
    CreditAmr Alfiky/The New York Times
  5. The Heat Crisis Is a Housing Crisis

    A lack of affordable housing and high energy costs are making Americans more vulnerable to record-breaking heat, public health experts say.


    A cooling center in Phoenix in 2022.
    CreditRoss D. Franklin/Associated Press
  7. Is There a Future in the Doomsday Economy?

    With Fortitude Ranch, the entrepreneur Drew Miller is betting on franchised timeshares for people who are worried about the end of the world.

    By Alexander Nazaryan and Emily Najera

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