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Christina Pascucci is seen attending  the Context Summits Pre-Emmy Charity Mixer Benefiting The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation at The Edison on Sept. 15, 2017 in Los Angeles.  The former LA TV news anchor announced Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, that she is running for the US Senate in California. (Photo by Joshua Blanchard/Getty Images for Context Capital Partners and UMDF)
Christina Pascucci is seen attending the Context Summits Pre-Emmy Charity Mixer Benefiting The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation at The Edison on Sept. 15, 2017 in Los Angeles. The former LA TV news anchor announced Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, that she is running for the US Senate in California. (Photo by Joshua Blanchard/Getty Images for Context Capital Partners and UMDF)

I am an outsider. I am the type of candidate the establishment would rather ignore. But I am just like you, I am one of your neighbors. Despite its many problems, I believe in California’s greatness. I will bring a fresh perspective and a new vision to the U.S. Senate. My 15 years of experience as a journalist for KTLA and FOX LA has given me a profound insight into the challenges we face and the solutions we need for a stronger, more united California.

Throughout my career, I’ve spoken with thousands of you across California. You shared that you felt ignored by our current leaders, you said that you had trouble affording rent, gas, and groceries, and you didn’t feel safe in your own communities. I understood this all too well, as I too have been impacted by crime. In the last couple of years, my home was burglarized, my car was stolen, and my mother was robbed at Costco. This is not the California that we grew up in, and this is not the California that we deserve.

My experience also includes working with underserved communities across our state, fundraising to help foster youth access to higher education, and advocating in Sacramento to pass bipartisan legislation for unhoused families. As a reporter, I have witnessed the affordable housing crisis, especially how it impacts firefighters and teachers. Across California, these public servants can’t afford to work in the communities they serve. Instead, many even live in other states! That is not right. And it puts all our safety at risk.

My global policy approach is shaped by my career as a war correspondent and humanitarian. My travels to over 100 countries, interactions with world leaders, and time in conflict zones like Armenia, Latin America, Ukraine, Haiti, and the Middle East, offer a unique perspective that’s rare in elected officials. These experiences have shaped my vision for a more balanced and strategic approach to world affairs.

Mental health and drug abuse are issues that I am very passionate about because I have personal experience with them. A member of my own family has battled these problems for a long time, and I have seen the toll mental illness and drug addiction have taken on her and my family. I often think about how different her life could have been if she had received help sooner. She still suffers every day.

I am running as an Independent Democrat because I identify as a JFK-era Democrat. I reject the polarization and extreme ideologies that have emerged on both the left and the right. I am pro-public safety, and pro-addressing the border crisis. I believe in fiscal responsibility and cutting taxes for the middle class. And we must stop making it difficult for small businesses to thrive.

My opponents have a collective 57 years working in Washington, with little to show for it. Voters know giving any one of them a promotion to the Senate won’t change things. 4 in 10 voters are still undecided in this race and they’re ready for an alternative. Our message is resonating with many who are disillusioned or feel ignored by the political status quo. It is time your voice is heard. I believe I am the change that voters are seeking. I am not beholden to any special interests; my only goal is to fight for the future of my daughter and the future of all Californians.

I say all the above as someone who loves California with my whole heart. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley by two incredible parents, including an immigrant mom, who taught me kindness, the value of hard work, and the American dream. They are loyal Republicans, so I learned from an early age how to have civil and respectful disagreements. I also learned that sometimes, you must listen and learn from others.

It is our differences in this country that make us great. We need to embrace those differences with grace. The world is watching. Our kids are watching.

You can learn more at

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