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Traffic moving around downtown Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Convention Center on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023.  Botton right is the 10 Freeway that has a few vehicles on it as the traffic will be moved off the freeway due to the fire closure.  Other vehicles merge onto the 110 Freeway at left to avoid the closure.
Traffic moving around downtown Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Convention Center on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023. Botton right is the 10 Freeway that has a few vehicles on it as the traffic will be moved off the freeway due to the fire closure. Other vehicles merge onto the 110 Freeway at left to avoid the closure.

America’s sprawling urban landscapes, often celebrated as melting pots, hide a surprising truth: rather than being bastions of diversity, they are hotbeds of segregation. This revelation, presented in a groundbreaking study published in Nature, titled “Human mobility networks reveal increased segregation in large cities,” overturns the long-standing notion of inherent urban diversity. By tracking the movements of 9.6 million people through mobile phone data, the research reveals a startling fact: contrary to common belief, larger cities exhibit greater segregation than smaller ones.

This revelation forces us to rethink our understanding of urban diversity. Historically, we’ve seen major cities as dynamic hubs promoting varied interactions. Yet, data paints a different picture. In the ten largest metropolitan areas, segregation surpasses that in smaller cities by an astonishing 67%, dismantling the urban melting pot myth and exposing a pattern of isolated communities.

The roots of this segregation lie in city spaces themselves. Take, for example, the diverse array of restaurants in a city, each appealing to specific tastes and, unintentionally, to certain socioeconomic groups. These spaces, while enriching culturally, also lead to self-segregation. This trend isn’t confined to dining; it permeates various urban areas, deepening the existing divides.

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This study serves as a crucial wake-up call. Larger cities, though rich in opportunities, inadvertently reinforce socioeconomic divides. These divisions have broad implications, affecting social cohesion, economic progress, and public health. Ironically, the diversity these cities pride themselves on is contradicted by the segregation they contain.

Yet, the study isn’t just a problem statement; it offers solutions through thoughtful urban design. It proposes “hub”—spaces deliberately crafted to connect high and low socioeconomic neighborhoods. It also introduces a ‘bridging index’ to gauge these spaces’ effectiveness in promoting integration. For instance, a shopping center at the juncture of diverse neighborhoods could become a true melting pot, diminishing current segregation.

The study not only raises awareness but also presents an opportunity for innovative urban development. Embracing true diversity requires rethinking urban planning, going beyond physical ‘hubs’ to inclusive policies and community efforts that unite different groups.

Public transportation plays a crucial role here. An efficient, accessible transit system can link disparate neighborhoods, making the city more inclusive. It can become both a literal and symbolic vehicle for integration, providing a common space for diverse groups.

Educational institutions and public spaces also shape the urban social fabric. Schools and parks serving varied socioeconomic backgrounds can become diversity incubators, nurturing exposure to different cultures from an early age.

The study also calls for a reevaluation of housing and urban development policies. Zoning laws, housing affordability, and urban renewal need critical examination to avoid unintentional segregation. Rethinking these policies can foster inclusivity and diversity.

While grand government-led initiatives and urban design may help at the margins, history advises caution. Often, top-down policies fail, tripped up by unforeseen social complexities. The proposed urban ‘hubs’, designed to bridge socioeconomic divides, risk repeating this error. They assume government planners can foresee and manipulate community dynamics, a risky venture. Such efforts frequently ignore the complex, natural human interactions for simplistic solutions.

Real change typically stems not from government planners but from individual choices and market dynamism. Personal reasons – economic, cultural, familial – guide choices about residence, dining, and socializing. These decisions usually stem from personal preferences and circumstances, not urban planning. In this intricate web of individual decisions and market forces lies the potential solution to urban segregation. Policies enhancing economic mobility and opportunity can naturally lead to more integrated communities, without government imposition.

Therefore, addressing urban segregation requires a more nuanced approach. It calls for creating conditions where diverse communities can naturally thrive – through better economic chances, education, and infrastructure – rather than rigid urban design. The challenge is not just to design superficially diverse cities, but to cultivate environments where diversity thrives in residents’ daily choices and interactions.

Achieving true urban diversity goes beyond superficial alterations. It necessitates profound rethinking of our urban design, governance, and lifestyle.

Joshua Claybourn is an attorney and historian. Visit him online at and on X @JoshuaClaybourn.