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Scott Reid. Sports. USC/ UCLA Reporter.

// MORE INFORMATION: Associate Mug Shot taken September 9, 2010 : by Jebb Harris, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER

Attorneys for USA Badminton’s former Safesport compliance officer filed a motion in U.S. District Court in Indiana Monday seeking to dismiss a defamation case filed by Jon Little, the federation’s general counsel and a prominent attorney for survivors of sexual abuse.

Attorneys for Alistair Casey, who also served as USA Badminton’s chief of staff, are asking the court to dismiss a suit filed on behalf of Little in September on the ground that it violates an Indiana law that protects a “person’s right to free speech” when it is “taken in good faith and with reasonable basis of law and faith.”

Little’s lawsuit, filed in September, stems from allegations that he and USA Badminton’s CEO Linda French pressured Casey not to report allegations of sexual abuse to the U.S. Center for SafeSport in July 2021. Casey, Little and French were mandatory reporters under the U.S. Center for SafeSport code.

“Mr. Casey looks forward to vindicating his name and getting a dismissal of these baseless allegations against him,” said Ryan Saba, an attorney for Casey. “He is a hero for reporting the sexual assault to SafeSport even after USA Badminton and their attorney Jon Little tried to keep him quiet.”Little has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Little declined comment on Monday.

Casey proceeded to report the allegations to SafeSport and the case and Little’s role attracted Congressional attention and criticism. Casey later alleged he was fired as retaliation for reporting the allegations. USA Badminton secretly paid Casey $1 million in a settlement.

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