Cal State L.A. protesters’ encampment damage: Letters

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Re “Police clear out pro-Palestinian encampment” (June 18):

Anti-Israel protesters caused millions of dollars of damage to the Student Services building at Cal State Los Angeles. The college’s administration had previously met with protesters and they had respectful conversations and offered mental health support. This did not stop the protesters from shattering windows and glass, spray-painting graffiti, damaging piping, overturning campus vehicles and assaulting employees. Yet at this time, no students or agitators have not been arrested although a criminal investigation has been initiated. Wonderful way for CSULA students to thank their college for providing student services!

— Jacqueline Zuanich-Ferrell, Manhattan Beach


Charter schools in state

The editorial June 16 on education is all emotion and free of facts. It seems wholly based on a story about an exceptional school in New York with no relevance here — except to create discord in our community. Proponents of school choice argue that it gives families more options and improves educational outcomes. However, the truth is that they often siphon resources away from public schools and exacerbate existing inequalities. Charter schools have been known to be very selective with the students they enroll, leaving public schools to deal with the most disadvantaged students who require more resources. In addition, the lack of regulation and oversight for charter schools has led to cases of fraud and mismanagement, which further harms students.

— C “Shammy” Dingus, Huntington Beach


Hunter Biden and Trump

Re “The two-tiered system of justice” (June 16):

The most important fact of the Hunter Biden trial is the lie that his laptop was the result of Russian disinformation. Joe Biden is a serial liar his whole life. His drug-using son has used his father’s influence to enrich himself and family members including his father.

Trump gets prosecuted for having classified documents in his possession while Joe Biden gets a pass.

There is a two-tiered justice system, one that allows the Bidens to commit crimes and another for Trump, and the liberal media is a part of this. The Bidens need to answer for their lies and crimes.

Biden continues to lie about our “secure border”, the economy, etc. This man has to go.

— Kenneth M. Bezich, Rolling Hills


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