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Re: Biden’s candidacy faces new trouble (7/11; P. 1)

The MAGA hats at Trump rallies declare #45 and #47; the second number might have to be adjusted in light of the recent bombardment of Biden over cognitive decline. Now, it’s not just vying for a second term, his ability to function as commander-in-chief is under fire. More and more Democrats are offering an honest assessment of what has been obvious for years: that Joe is not up to the job. The debate was only one among many displays of incompetence shown to the American public. What happens out of camera view is leaking out and those close to the president see just how bad it has become. That #47 that Trump is working to attain might well go to Kamala Harris; he then can push for #48.

— Robert Snyder, Laguna Hills


Water conservation in California

Re “Full reservoirs, but state sticks with rationing” (July 10):

The notion that we now need to implement water conservation is ridiculous. California is experiencing a water glut that most likely will last for years. The only result of this policy will be to raise the cost of water and pad the payrolls of these agencies. The real solution is to build more storage but there’s little of no interest.

If only they would’ve been as interested in conserving the budget surplus, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in. California is a budget disaster. The current leadership has driven this state into a ditch and their solution is to drive faster. We complain about the cost of living here but continue to do nothing. I urge everyone to vote out all incumbents this fall.

— Thomas Broersma, Corona


President Joe Biden’s health concerns

Re “Dems express concerns about Biden in private” (July 10):

President Biden has displayed many mannerisms associated with some form of cognitive or neurological disorder.

It is imperative the American people know if what we have been witnessing for 3 1/2 years are issues that, irrespective of his age, would render him unfit for the duties and responsibilities as president and leader of the free world. Many questions remain unanswered and at the top of the list would be why did it take so long for this to come to a head? We cannot act as if there are not potential major issues to be addressed by an independent medical team regarding President Biden’s physical/cognitive/neurological health. The examination should be performed right away and the results be made public immediately. To do otherwise would be akin to buying a used car that backfires,shakes,sputters and stalls without getting it inspected by a professional. Caveat Emptor also applies to voting in this scenario.

— Robert J. Gagliano, Rancho Palos Verdes


Okhamatdyt children’s hospital, Kyiv, Ukraine

Re: Russian missile attack hits children’s hospital: officials say at least 31 killed” (July 9):

Vladimir Putin continues to show his true colors as he attacks a children’s hospital. There is no difference between Putin and any other malcontent with access to lethal weapons who shoots up schools, grocery stores, houses of worship and parades. Yet former president Donald Trump kowtows to this mass murderer and is willing to turn over Europe to him. As Trump has said when he addresses mass killings: “Just get over it.” Forget his felony convictions, his sexual assaults, his theft of classified documents, his failed businesses and endless lies. His worship of Putin is reason enough to deny him another term in the White House.

— David Middleton, Palm Desert


Biden’s Thursday press conference

President Joe, the gaffe, Biden said he will complete the job and not resign. If “Complete the job” means ruining America and making the world an unsafe place, he’s right on schedule. Of course, the disturbing part of all this is his apparent support from half the voters, legal or otherwise, according to most polls. Sadly, Trump derangement syndrome is in full bloom. My, oh, my, what will the DNC do now?

— Rodger Clarke, Santa Ana


Originally Published: