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Tell me Newsom or Harris as picks is just a dream

Yes, if Biden jumps ship either Newsom or Harris will be our next president. Then the fun starts, both will take the country to the extreme far left with totally open our borders to the world, abortion on demand, maximum pay will be $200,000 worth anything over going to the Feds, the economy will tank, military budgets will be cut 25%, China, Russia and Iran will join forces to send millions of its people over our borders and within 5 years have enough people to overtake the country. Remember “Red Dawn” the movie.

— Len Musgrave, Orange


This suggestion is putting the cart before the horse

Until President Joe Biden decides to step-down, I support him for re-election. Recently, he showed himself to be strong as our commander-in chief when defending NATO during a forceful speech delivered as host to world leaders in Washington D.C. While, there are several  potentially strong Democratic candidates, such as Gov. Gavin Newsom, to select one is the “cart before the horse” type of thinking.

— Isadora Johnson, Seal Beach


Newsom and/or Harris for POTUS?  I think not

Neither has demonstrated the mental acuity, overall country support, or ‘common sense’ decision making to effectively and efficiently fill the country’s “top job.” Newsom simply thinks he can run for ‘anything’ and win. His ego could fill SoFi stadium. His success in California is not because of him but because there is no opposition party. He has no one to oppose any of his decisions. Anyone could be successful under those conditions. Biden promised he would choose a Black woman for his running mate, and he certainly followed through on that. Obviously she has not been the best choice, but he did keep his campaign promise. Harris had trouble proving that she was worthy of being Biden’s vice president. What has she actually accomplished over the past 3+ years? Nothing comes to mind for me. I think they are probably in the running for the top job, but neither is adequately prepared or has the overall popularity needed to win the top job. These would be poor choices for the Democratic party. It would almost ensure a Trump victory.

— Scott Irwin, Fullerton


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