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OFN Public Policy Communication Archive

Below is an archive of Opportunity Finance Network (OFN)’s communications with Members of Congress, agencies, and regulators.

  • 08/12/2024 – OFN Letter for the Record for the Senate Finance Committee Hearing “Tax Tools for Local Economic Development”
  • 04/8/2024 – OFN letter in response to EPA’s Information Collection Request on GGRF Reporting
  • 02/23/2024 – OFN letter in response to Department of Energy’s Request for Information on LIDAC Solar Program Design
  • 02/20/2024 – OFN letter in response to Treasury’s Request for Information on Financial Inclusion

  • 09/05/2023 – OFN letter in response to CDFI Fund Request for Information on the Capital Magnet Fund
  • 08/24/2023 – OFN letter to the House Small Business Committee in support of the Small Business Financing Disclosure Act (H.R. 4192 and S. 2021)
  • 08/24/2023 – OFN letter to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs in support of the Small Business Financing Disclosure Act (H.R. 4192 and S. 2021)
  • 07/18/2023 – OFN letter to the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee in support of the Community Advantage Lending Program Act of 2023
  • 06/29/2023 – Housing Assistance Council (HAC) Rural Housing Farm Bill sign-on letter to the Senate Banking and Agriculture Committees in support of improvements to USDA’s Rural Housing Service (RHS) programs in the 2023 Farm Bill
  • 06/13/2023 – OFN letter to the House Appropriations Committee requesting $341 million for the CDFI Fund
  • 06/13/2023 – OFN letter to Senate Appropriations Committee requesting $341 million for the CDFI Fund
  • 5/24/2023 – Organizational sign-on letter to the Senate Community Development Finance Caucus
  • 05/12/23 – OFN comments to the EPA on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Framework
  • 05/12/23 – OFN comments to the CDFI Fund on the CDFI and NACA program applications
  • 05/09/23 – Community Builders of Color Coalition (Coalition) letter to Majority Leader Schumer supporting the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
  • 04/10/23 – OFN letter to the EPA on the Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grant Program
  • 03/31/23 – OFN letter to Federal Housing Finance Agency on CDFI participation in the Federal Home Loan Bank System
  • 01/06/23 – OFN comments to the SBA on SBLC License Moratorium proposed rule

  • 12/19/22 – OFN Letter to the Interagency Community Investment Committee – Opportunities and Challenges in Federal Community Investment Programs
  • 12/5/22 – OFN letter to the EPA on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund responding to a Request For Information
  • 12/5/22 – OFN Comments to the CDFI Fund on the Revised Certification Application
  • 10/11/22 – OFN Letter to the EPA on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
  • 08/05/22 – OFN Comments to Regulatory Agencies on Reforms to the Community Reinvestment Act
  • 07/19/22 – OFN Letter to FHFA in Support of CDFI Equity Investments
  • 05/24/22 – OFN Letter in Support of the Targeting Resources to Communities in Need Act
  • 05/12/22 – OFN Supports Biden-Harris Administration Nomination of Michael Barr for Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve
  • 05/11/22 – OFN letter to SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman expressing appreciation for new PPP forgiveness guidance regarding non-profit lenders
  • 04/19/22 – Joint Letter from Coalition on Inclusive Economic Growth to SEC Secretary Vanessa Countryman in support of updates to S7-10-22
  • 03/30/22 – OFN and NCRC Joined by 90 Organizations to Support Reforms to Community Advantage Pilot Program
  • 02/14/22 – OFN Supports Biden-Harris Administration Nominations for Federal Reserve Board of Governors Ahead of Senate Banking Committee Vote
  • 01/06/22 – OFN Comments to the CFPB on the Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Small Business Lending Data Collection Rule
  • 01/06/22 – Joint Letter to the CFPB in Support of the Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Small Business Lending Data Collection Rule

  • 10/25/21 – OFN Comments to the Federal Housing Finance Administration on the Development of Equitable Housing Finance Plans
  • 10/25/21 – Joint Letter from the Capital Magnet Fund Coalition in Support of the Housing Investment Fund
  • 10/21/21 – Joint Letter to the House Financial Services Committee in Support of the Community Restoration and Revitalization Fund
  • 10/21/21 – OFN Letter for the Record for the House Financial Services Committee Hearing “A Strong Foundation: How Housing is the Key to Building Back a Better America”
  • 10/20/21 – Underserved Mortgage Markets Coalition Letter to Federal Housing Finance Administration Acting Director Sandra L. Thompson opposing “Duty To Serve” (DTS) Proposals
  • 10/07/21 – OFN Letter to House Financial Services Committee on the Build Back Better Reconciliation Package
  • 10/07/21 – OFN Letter to House Agriculture Committee on the Build Back Better Reconciliation Package
  • 10/07/21 – OFN Letter to House Ways & Means Committee on the Build Back Better Reconciliation Package
  • 10/07/21 – OFN Letter to House Small Business Committee on the Build Back Better Reconciliation Package
  • 09/08/21 – Reimagining Rural Assistance Network (RRAN) Letter to House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott in support of Rural Prosperity Program (RPP)
  • 08/17/21 – Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership in Support of the Community Revitalization Fund
  • 07/20/21 – OFN Letter to Secretary Thomas Vilsack and Deputy Undersecretary Justin Maxson regarding the CF Relending Program
  • 06/24/21 – Testimony of OFN President and CEO Lisa Mensah Provided to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
  • 06/04/21 – OFN Comments to Treasury on the State Small Business Credit Initiative
  • 05/25/21 – OFN Letter to the SBA on Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness
  • 04/02/21 – OFN Letter to House Appropriations Committee Requesting $1 Billion for the CDFI Fund in FY 2022
  • 04/02/21 – OFN Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Requesting $1 Billion for the CDFI Fund in FY 2022
  • 03/17/21 – OFN Testimony before the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship regarding the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 03/01/21 – OFN Letter to the CDFI Fund on Proposed Changes to the NMTC Allocation Application
  • 02/16/21 – OFN Letter to the Federal Reserve on Proposed Changes to the Community Reinvestment Act

  • 12/14/20 – OFN Letter to the CFPB on Section 1071 Small Business Lending Data Collection
  • 12/10/20 – OFN Testimony on the Future of the Paycheck Protection Program before the Senate Small Business Committee
  • 11/05/20 – OFN Letter to the CDFI Fund on Annual Certification Report and Certification Transaction Level Report
  • 11/05/20 – OFN Letter to the CDFI Fund in Proposed Changes to CDFI Certification Application
  • 10/14/20 – Joint Letter to CDFI Fund regarding Paycheck Protection Program lending and CDFI target markets
  • 09/10/20 – OFN Letter to the CDFI Fund Regarding the Establishment of the Small Dollar Loan Program
  • 08/27/20 – OFN Written Statement presented before the CDFI Fund Community Advisory Board meeting
  • 08/21/20 – Joint Letter to CDFI Fund Regarding PPP Lending and CDFI Target Markets
  • 07/28/20 – OFN Letter to the Employee Benefits Security Administration regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments
  • 07/23/20 – OFN Joins Partners in Supporting Rural Housing Investment in COVID-19 Stimulus Package
  • 07/10/20 – OFN Letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission regarding the Swap Clearing Requirement for CDFIs
  • 07/09/20 – Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership on Paycheck Protection Program Small Business Forgiveness Act
  • 06/24/20 – Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership Urging the Extension and Expansion of the New Markets Tax Credit
  • 06/23/20 – OFN Letter to Federal Housing Finance Agency regarding Federal Home Loan Bank Membership
  • 06/10/20 – OFN Letter to US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin regarding the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 06/03/20 – OFN Testimony before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions regarding the CDFI industry
  • 05/09/20 – OFN letter to SBA Administrator Carranza regarding the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 04/26/20 – Joint letter to Congressional Leadership on the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 04/22/20 – OFN Letter to Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell regarding CDFI access to Paycheck Protection Program Lending Facility
  • 04/22/20 – OFN Letter to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin regarding CDFI eligibility as Paycheck Protection Program lenders
  • 04/17/20 – OFN, Credit Builder’s Alliance, and CDFI Coalition Letter to the CDFI Fund regarding the Small Dollar Loan Program
  • 04/08/20 – OFN Comments to the FDIC and OCC on Proposed Changes to the Community Reinvestment Act
  • 04/07/20 – OFN and NALCAB statement on CDFI participation in the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 04/07/20 – OFN Letter to SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza on Community Development Financial Institution Concerns Regarding the Implementation of the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 04/03/20 – OFN Letter to the SBA on Changes to the Community Advantage Pilot Program
  • 03/27/20 – OFN Letter to US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin urging that CDFIs be eligible lenders under the Paycheck Protection Program
  • 03/27/20 – OFN Letter to CDFI Fund Requesting Extensions and Program Adjustments in the Wake of the COVID-19 Crisis
  • 03/22/20 – OFN Partners with National Affordable Housing Intermediaries to Recommend Emergency Funding for HOME in response to the COVID-19 Crisis
  • 03/21/20 – OFN Joins Allies in Promoting Federal Purchase of CDFIs Small Business Loans from Industries Hard-Hit by the COVID-19 Crisis
  • 03/20/20 – OFN Letter to the House and Senate Leadership Requesting $1 Billion in New Federal Funds for CDFIs’ COVID-19 Rapid Response
  • 03/12/20 – OFN Letter to the CDFI Fund regarding the FY2020 SECA Eligibility Changes
  • 02/21/20 – OFN Letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee Requesting $304 Million for the CDFI Fund in FY 2021
  • 02/04/20 – OFN Letter to the House Appropriations Committee Requesting $304 Million for the CDFI Fund in FY 2021

  • 12/02/19 – OFN Comments on the Internal Revenue Service’s Opportunity Fund Reporting Form 8997
  • 10/18/19 – OFN Comments to the Department of Commerce on Proposed Opportunity Zone Policy
  • 10/17/19 – OFN Testimony of Jennifer A. Vasiloff to the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access on the Opportunity Zones Tax Incentive Value to Small Businesses
  • 09/16/19 – OFN Letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on the Qualified Mortgage Definition under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)
  • 09/09/19 – Joint Letter to Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve; Joseph Otting, Comptroller of the Currency; and Jelena McWilliams, Chairman of the FDIC, Commenting on Proposed Changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
  • 07/22/19 – FY 2020 Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Stakeholder Letter to Senate Agriculture, Financial Services, and Appropriations Committee
  • 06/26/19 – OFN Comments to Treasury on Proposed Opportunity Zone Regulations
  • 06/17/19 – OFN Response to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Request for Information on Opportunity Zone Policy
  • 06/12/19 – OFN Letter to the Senate Finance Committee in Support of the New Markets Tax Credit
  • 05/30/19 – OFN Recommendations to US Treasury on Reporting Requirements for Opportunity Zone Investments
  • 03/11/19 – Enterprise Community Partners, Habitat for Humanity, and LISC Sign-On Letter to Senate and House Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Supporting the Section 4 Program
  • 02/22/19 – National Housing Conference Sign-On Letter to Joseph M. Otting, Acting Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency regarding the Housing Trust Fund and Capital Magnet Fund

  • 11/19/18 – OFN Letter to the OCC on Reforming Community Reinvestment Act Regulatory Framework
  • 11/13/18 – OFN Letter to the SBA on Community Advantage Pilot Program
  • 09/13/18 – Joint Letter to Craig Phllips, Counselor to the Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury on FHA-FFB multi-family risk sharing partnership
  • 07/12/18 – Testimony of Lisa Mensah to the Joint Economic Committee
  • 06/18/18 – Opportunity Zones Coalition Letter to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy
  • 06/10/18 – OFN Letter to the FHFA on the Affordable Housing Program
  • 06/04/18 – OFN Letter to House Appropriations Committee Leadership Asking to Restore the CDFI Fund to $250M in FY 2019
  • 05/21/18 – National Housing Conference Sign-On Letter to Senate and House Leadership Opposing the White House Rescissions Package
  • 05/18/18 – CDFI Coalition Sign-On Letter to Senate House FSGG Subcommittee and Full Appropriations Committee Leadership Opposing the White House Rescissions Package
  • 05/10/18 – OFN Letter to Senate and House FSGG Subcommittee and Full Appropriations Committee Leadership Opposing the White House Rescissions Package
  • 05/09/18 – CMF Working Group Sign-On Letter to Senate and House Leadership Opposing the White House Rescissions Package
  • 05/08/18 – OFN Letter to Senate Financial Services & General Government Appropriations Subcommittee Leadership Requesting $275M for the CDFI Fund in FY 2019
  • 05/01/18 – The Census Project Sign-On Letter to House and Senate Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee Supporting FY 2019 Funding for the Census Bureau
  • 03/27/18 – OFN Letter to Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee
  • 03/19/18 – OFN Letter to House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee

  • 12/11/17 – Letter to House Financial Services Committee on the GSE Jumpstart Reauthorization Act of 2017 (H.R. 4560)
  • 10/20/17 – Testimony before the House Small Business Committee on Access to Capital for Underserved Small Businesses
  • 09/14/17 – Letter to the CFPB on the Request for Information on the Small Business Lending Market
  • 09/14/17 – Letter to the CFPB on the Request for Information on the Small Business Lending Market Member Sign-on
  • 08/29/17 – Letter from CDFI Borrowers to Senate FSGG Appropriations Subcommittee in Support of the CDFI Fund
  • 07/17/17 – Letter to Senate Finance Committee on Tax Reform
  • 06/27/17 – Letter to Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees on Capital Magnet Fund
  • 06/27/17 – Letter to Senate and House Appropriations Committees on Capital Magnet Fund
  • 06/26/17 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on NMTC Allocation Application
  • 06/09/17 – OFN Letter to the Leadership of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations
  • 06/26/17 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on CDFI Program and NMTC Program Annual Reports
  • 03/10/17 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on CDFI Certification Comments Final
  • 01/15/17 – Letter to the OCC on Special Purpose Bank Charters for Fintech Companies
  • 01/27/17 – Letter the CDFI Fund on the Certification of Material Events Form

  • 10/26/16 – OFN Letter to the Leadership of the House and Senate Committee on Appropriations
  • 10/14/16 – OFN Letter to the Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico
  • 10/11/16 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on BEA Program Interim Regulations and Application
  • 10/07/16 – Letter to the CFPB on Payday, Vehicle Title, and Certain High-Cost Installment Loans Proposed Rule
  • 09/27/16 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on Proposed Use of Award Program form
  • 09/06/16 – Letter to USDA on the Community Facilities Relending Program
  • 09/12/16 – Letter to CDFI Fund on the FA/TA/NACA Proposed Application
  • 08/02/16 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on the Capital Magnet Fund Application
  • 08/02/16 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on the Bond Guarantee Program Secondary Loan Commitment Form
  • 07/05/16 – OFN Member Letter to House Appropriations Leaders Opposing an Amendment to FY2017 Appropriations
  • 05/06/16 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on the Capital Magnet Fund interim regulations
  • 03/17/16 – Letter to the Federal Housing Finance Agency on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Duty to Serve rule for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • 02/26/16 – Letter to the Small Business Administration on the Small Business Administration Community Advantage pilot program

  • 06/05/15 – Letter to Appropriations Leaders on FY2016 Appropriations
  • 02/02/15 – Letter to OFN Members on President Obama’s FY 2016 Budget Proposal

  • 12/15/14 – Significance of the 2015 Federal Budget to CDFIs
  • 11/25/14 – OFN Congratulates Annie Donovan on Appointment as Director of CDFI Fund
  • 11/18/14 – Letter to Appropriations Leaders on FY2015 Appropriations
  • 10/23/14 – OFN Guide to CDFI Fund FY2015 FA/TA Program
  • 05/30/14 – USDA HFFI Implementation Listening Session Comments
  • 05/06/14 – Letter to Senate on Capital Magnet Fund
  • 05/01/14 – Letter to CDFI Fund on CDFI Program and NACA Program Applications
  • 04/2014 – Letter to Appropriations Leaders on CDFI Fund Appropriations
  • 03/17/14 – Letter to CDFI Fund on New Markets Tax Credit

  • 12/2013 – Capital Magnet Fund Fact Sheet
  • 12/2013 – Letter to CDFI Fund on Bank Enterprise Award Program
  • 12/20/13 – Letter to CDFI Fund on New Reporting Requirement for Nonprofits
  • 11/2013 – Update on Interagency Questions and Answers on CRA
  • 11/15/13 – OFN Guide to CDFI Program (Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance) FY2014 v.1
  • 06/26/13 – OFN Letter to Senate Finance Committee in support of New Markets Tax Credit program
  • 06/26/13 – OFN Letter to House Ways and Means Committee in support of New Markets Tax Credit program
  • 05/17/13 – OFN Letter to Bank Regulatory Agencies regarding Interagency Questions and Answers on Community Reinvestment
  • 05/14/13 – OFN Letter to Senate Agriculture Committee in support of Healthy Foods Financing Initiative provision
  • 04/29/13 – OFN Letter to Representatives Rogers and Crenshaw Urging Support of a $225 Million Appropriation for the CDFI Fund in FY 2014
  • 04/23/13 – OFN Letter to US Senators Urging Support of a $225 Million Appropriation for the CDFI Fund in FY 2014
  • 04/08/13 – CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Interim Rule Letter from OFN
  • 04/08/13 – CDFI Bond Guarantee Program Interim Rule Letter from 43 Organizations
  • 03/31/13 – OFN Interim Status Report on CDFIs and the State Small Business Credit Initiative
  • 03/07/13 – Letter to Representatives Rogers and Crenshaw from 35 Organizations Urging Support of the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program in the FY 2013 Continuing Resolution
  • 02/28/13 – OFN letter to the CDFI Fund regarding the Native American Lending Study
  • 02/25/13 – OFN letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding Ability to Repay Standards
  • 01/08/13 – OFN letter to the Small Business Administration regarding the Community Advantage Program

  • 05/18/12 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on the Financial Assistance Application
  • 02/06/12 – Letter to the CDFI Fund on New Markets Tax Credit

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