
Coalitions are a valuable asset for communities to help prevent suicides and participate in postvention support.

What is a coalition?

What is a coalition?

They concentrate the community’s focus on a particular problem, encourage alliances, and create consistency in the community’s approach to the root causes of suicide. Together, members of a coalition can do more to reduce suicides, support grieving families, and inspire change in the world around them than if they work by themselves.

  • OSPF coalitions are made up of 70+ coalition leaders across Ohio that represent their local county coalition group
  • OSPF coalitions build and strengthen community awareness surrounding suicide prevention and postvention in Ohio
  • OSPF coalitions meet bi-monthly to address statewide suicide prevention and postvention areas of concern
  • OSPF coalitions engage in bi-monthly training provided by expert coalition trainers to strengthen and sustain coalition work

Coalition Map

OSPF encourages coalitions and its members to approach the issue of suicide prevention in a similar way. To be connected to your local coalition click your region, or download our state wide coalition list serve.

The coalitions directory/map is updated yearly, please contact Daniel Bennett at [email protected] about updating your contacts

Coalition Resources

Coalition partnership meetings are held on a monthly basis. Please visit the events page for specific dates and registration details.