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The integration of Tealium CDP and Optimizely ODP helps in defining the audience segments, based on both online and offline data from multiple different channels and set the foundation for running multiple experimentation campaigns.


Tealium is a customer data hub that collects customer data from a variety of channels, standardizes, transforms and enriches it to form a single view of the customer and activates it via integrations. Optimizely picks up the customer segments from Tealium and turn them into successful experimentation campaigns, provide prescriptive guidance in real time about a content that will convert and drive revenue and deliver personalized ecommerce experience starting from content creation to final checkout.

How to enable the integration in Optimizely Data Platform

  1. In Optimizely Data Platform, go to the App Directory.

  2. Select the Tealium app.

  3. Click Install App.

  4. On the Settings tab, copy the URLUsername, and Password that displays.