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A person’s out of office reply says a lot about them. Chances are you’ve done a little email bragging about your vacation. It’s okay! You’re not alone.

Orbitz presents Out of Office Theater, a video series. This week’s vacationer is Kevin, the lingo user.


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Orbitz presents Out of Office Theater “The Lingo User”

New Email.
From: Kevin
Subject: OOO – Jolly ol’ England


It’s a bloody good time to go on holiday, so we’re heading to jolly old England. Don’t try to reach me on my mobile as I might be a bit knackered with the jetlag and all. Or I might just be in the loo.

Mind the gap,


Tagged: Destinations, Europe, Videos

Note: Orbitz compensates authors for their writings appearing on this site.

Kelsie Ozamiz

Kelsie Ozamiz

Kelsie is a Chicago-based travel and entertainment writer. Sprouting from Columbus, Ohio, she spent two years in New York City sharpening her wit with improv comedy and mastering the blank subway stare. She keeps her figure with a steady diet of travel and tacos.

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