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I am writing this letter in memory of my poppy. My pop always wanted to write a letter to the Orlando Sentinel to let everyone know how special the VA hospital was to him. I cannot say I know exactly how he felt, but I can tell you how I think he felt about it.

The hospital is home to many veterans My poppy lived there for a year and a half. He knew that it was home to him, too. Daily in the nursing home there were a lot of activities for the residents — playing bingo, card games, dominoes. When my poppy first moved into the VA hospital, he was very depressed and lonely. Eventually, though, he began to meet a lot of the other veterans and became a very big part of the hospital. They even started calling him The Godfather. The nurses always make every one of those patients feel special.

I really feel like I was meant to write this letter after my poppy passed away. He was sent to the hospital recently because he had a kidney problem. The doctor had told us it is just his time to go. A very special nurse called his hospital room to tell my family that she would like him to come back to the nursing home. So, knowing that is what we all would’ve liked, that is exactly what we did. We wanted him as comfortable as possible.

His room was set up so we all could be with him at all times. Right to the very end, I can honestly say my poppy was a very happy man. I just want people to know that the staff at the VA hospital is the best. I never knew about this nursing home until my pop moved in there. I am very glad I got to witness how the VA hospital really is. I never knew what happens to the people who fought or fight for this country.

Now I do.

Tara Parker


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