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Oh, the poor bigots in Orlando.

They must be confused about whom to support in next week’s mayoral race.

First, Buddy Dyer’s supporters claim that Pete Barr Sr. used racial epithets.

Then Barr’s campaign comes right out and calls Dyer a bigot.

What’s a closed-minded voter to do?

Let’s separate the wheat from the chaff.


Barr is candid about being the brains behind the branding of Buddy as a bigot.

In his ongoing mail campaign, Barr distorts the commonly accepted use of the term to apply to Democrats who don’t like Republicans.

But at least Barr admits that he’s doing the flame-throwing.

“Yes, I stand by that,” he said.

As for the Barr bashing, it was Orlando City Council member Patty Sheehan who accused Barr of using “the n-word” in casual conversation with her at a party — an accusation that Barr denies.

In this case, Dyer is trying to enjoy the comfortable position of claiming that he didn’t drop this bomb, while hoping it explodes all over Barr.

Based on conversations I’ve had with Sheehan and others, it’s fair to say this claim was all Sheehan’s. But it’s also fair to say that Dyer knew the claim was going to be made and had no intention of dousing the fuse.

“I knew about the claim,” Dyer said. “And I didn’t do anything to encourage it . . . or discourage it.”


The big difference between these nasty exchanges is that Sheehan and others take the claims against Barr very seriously.

Yes, they played politics by waiting until the runoff to make the claim.

But the accusation they have leveled is very simple. They say Pete used an offensive epithet. The charge is serious — enough so that Republicans say they would dump Barr as their candidate if it were proven true, which they doubt. However, even Republicans can’t discuss Barr’s branding of Dyer as a bigot with a straight face.

So I asked Lew Oliver, the leader of the local Republicans, who paid for the ads: If being completely partisan makes one a bigot, then doesn’t that make you the chairman of Orange County’s bigotry committee?

Oliver laughed and said, “I don’t think that was the point.”

That may be news to those who received Barr’s flier.


Gov. Jeb Bush finally found a way to collect on his Super Bowl bet with California Gov. Gray Davis. Because state laws prohibit alcohol from being shipped to Florida, Bush will get his case of cabernet during an upcoming trip to Washington.

Seen: Hard-rocker Alice Cooper, shopping in the Hugo Boss store last week at Orlando Premium Outlets.

You can tell that Orange County elections are a mere 21 months away. Politicians who recently filed for re-election — in 2004 — include Sheriff Kevin Beary and Property Appraiser Bill Donegan.

Something weird: NASA classifies working shuttles, such as Discovery and Endeavour, as “operational.” Challenger and Columbia are “retired.”


After having the WB newscast unceremoniously knocked out from beneath him months ago, veteran newsman Bud Hedinger has found a new forum for his deep, silky voice: radio.

Starting Monday, Hedinger will do Bud Hedinger Live on 540 AM (WFLF) from 3 to 6 p.m. weekdays. It’ll be talk and news that Bud says will be much more straightforward than his lead-in, Rush Limbaugh.

“I’m not an ideologue on either side of the spectrum,” said Hedinger, a broadcast veteran of 32 years. “I’m not a local extension of Rush Limbaugh, and I made that very clear from Day 1.”

Um, Bud. Have you actually listened to 540?

But there’s more to this story. Bud told me that, yes, he’s excited about the prospect of radio (and working, in general).

But he also expressed gratitude to 104.1 FM (WTKS) host Jim Philips for having him on his show in recent years to do music reviews.

And how will Bud show his gratitude? By going up against Philips in the same time slot.

Whaddya think, Jim?

“I love Bud. He is a dear friend, but just like Sean Hannity, I am going to squash him like a bug!” Philips said. “I love Bud, but death to the infidels!”


Can’t get enough W? Well, an Orlando inventor has developed hubcap covers that feature the 43rd president’s face. The covers were even featured in the Bush-backing Washington Times last week, along with an endorsement of the product from Orlando mayoral candidate Pete Barr Sr. (Note to Pete: While handing out your endorsements, you might want to attract a few for your own race.)

Inventor John D. Smith says he’s going to try to come up with a Democratic version as well. But I think that his product — — already appeals to both parties: Many Dems would love nothing more than to take Bush’s face on a drive through a muddy swamp.


It’s distressing to learn that Eatonville Mayor Anthony Grant used tax money to buy turkeys for the old people who vote for him. ‘Cause now that other politicians know it works, they all may start doing it.

Originally Published: