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Accelerating gas prices (and other energy) is now of national concern — but only to we citizens. The recent energy bill (passed by Congress and approved by the president) has a near-zero effect currently at the pump. It mostly resembles a huge tax sop to already-wealthy energy companies.

Daily the energy costs go up. Clearly the U.S. government, energy companies and foreign suppliers of our addiction are not acting in the average citizen’s interest. If we continue to wimp out and do nothing, things will only get worse. Fact is, we do have power on our side. Oil reserve tanks are full, so any sales slowdown will create a storage crisis; tankers will be unable to unload.

The answer is in our hands, the consuming public. We need to develop a national awareness of driving discipline to reasonably reduce consumption. Combining trips, accelerating modestly, using our higher mileage vehicle — just common-sense awareness is all it will take.

If we spread the word to others and act together to defend our interests, we can decisively change prices and fast. Our choice is to do nothing, and be victims or act and be victors.

Sheldon Terry

Altamonte Springs

Originally Published: