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The only thing Lake Howell Coach Carl Pain tells his star golf pupil, Jessica Yadloczky, is what time to show up. Her body dictates what type of golf she’ll play that day. So far, it’s been smooth sailing for the future UF golfer. Yadloczky shot a season-best 3-under-par 73 to win the individual Seminole Athletic Conference championship last week for the fourth consecutive year. “I hadn’t been hitting well throughout the tournament, but that day my putting just turned on,” said Yadloczky, a senior. “When it’s not going right, you just have to be patient.”

Yadloczky, a two-time individual state runner-up, competes in districts next week.

The Bio

School: Lake Howell (Seminole)

Favorite music: Hip-hop

Most prized possession: My golf clubs

Best advice given: If you think like a champion, you’ll be a champion.

She said: “You can only play how the game’s thrown at you; you take what your body gives that day.”

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