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Sony Corp. will have more than 20 games for the new PlayStation 3 console when it hits store shelves next month as the company strives to build enthusiasm for the new system.

Titles will include Resistance: Fall of Man and Genji: Days of the Blade, Sony Computer Entertainment said Thursday. Tokyo-based Sony is the world’s largest maker of video-game consoles.

Sony is bringing out games to protect sales of the system from Microsoft Corp., with its Xbox360, and Nintendo Co., which is debuting its Wiisystem in November. Production snags cut by half the first batch of PS3 consoles being introduced.

Titles often matter more than technology to the teens and young men who account for about 62 percent of video-game players.

Publishers including Electronic Arts Inc. and Activision Inc., the two largest makers of video games, are developing more than 50 titles for the PS3.

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