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Question: Wild Bermuda grass is growing in my St. Augustine lawn. How can we remove it and still keep the good grass?

Answer: Perhaps in this case it’s going to be easier to get used to a mixed lawn than eliminate the weedy portions. There is no way to keep the St. Augustine and remove the intertwined Bermuda except to kill everything and start over.

This story may still have a fairly happy ending, because usually Bermuda invades in patches, and just these problem areas can be eliminated to keep much of the good grass.

The problem spots can be controlled with Roundup, Finale or a similar product. When these treated areas turn brown, the grass can be removed and new sod installed. It’s the only way to a purely St. Augustine lawn.

Bougainvillea craves sun

Q: We have a bougainvillea that has grown well, but it’s in too much shade. How much sun does it need, and when is the best time to move the plant?

A: Obtain the best flowering in a full-sun location, but the plants can tolerate a few hours of shade and still give colorful displays. Make the move during fall or winter when the plant is under less stress. Obtain a large, intact ball of soil with the roots, and keep the plant moist after planting.

Leaves take on aged look

Q: Our grapefruit is producing its first crop, and recently I noticed the leaves on the top of the tree look wrinkled. What should I do?

A: Most gardeners ignore minor leaf damage to citrus trees. Although the twisted and wrinkled look appears to be harming the trees, it has little effect on growth and fruit production.

Citrus-leaf miners and aphids often produce the distorted-leaf look. There may also be some yellowing associated with these pests, but again they seem to have little effect on the tree.

If needed, natural oil sprays are effective on both of these pests. Control leaf miners when the new leaves are small and beginning growth, and control the aphids when you see the pests in the tips of the shoots.

Scales won’t leave holly

Q: The trunk and limbs of my holly tree have a white scale. I tried a number of things but cannot seem to get it under control. What should I do?

A: Even with a good control program, scale insects are slow to loosen and drop off your plants. Usually the outer waxy covering of the insects changes from white to yellow or orange when they have been treated and are under control.

A few weeks to a month after treatment you might squash a few of the insects and if they have fluids inside, they are likely still alive and another spray is needed.

A natural oil spray available from your garden center should give control of scale insects with one or two good treatments following label instructions.

Plant needs new digs

Q: I have a bird of paradise in a container that needs transplanting. Some say I should plant it in the ground, and others suggest a larger pot. What would be best?

A: It’s your choice — bird of paradise grow well in the ground and in containers. Many gardeners like to keep them in containers because they seem to flower faster. Keeping the root system cramped in a pot appears to help the plants reach maturity faster and bloom sooner than when they are growing in the ground.

No matter where the plants are growing, expect only foliage for the first year or two. During this time, keep the soil moist and feed lightly but frequently to encourage the formation of a sizable plant. As the bird of paradise grows larger or fills the container place it on a reduced watering and feeding schedule to help slow growth and force out the blooms.

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