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Circuit Judge O.H. “Bill” Eaton Jr. of Sanford is one of the most respected judges in Florida. In 1996, he ordered a new trial for death-row inmate Joseph “Crazy Joe” Spaziano, who had been convicted of murdering an Orlando woman two decades earlier. That infuriated prosecutors but earned him an award from defense attorneys, who dubbed him one of the state’s most courageous judges. In August, Eaton refused to back down from the 15-year sentence he gave Mary Hill, who crashed while speeding home from school, killing her daughter and another teen. For the past 15 years, Eaton has taught other judges how to handle death-penalty trials, his expertise. He spoke recently with Sentinel reporter Rene Stutzman.

Your decision that Joe Spaziano was entitled to a new trial, was that difficult for you?


Why not?

Because I thought the evidence showed that he deserved it.

Is it lonely being a judge?

You have to make the decision . . . oftentimes right on the spur of the moment, without a lot of help, so it’s lonely to a certain extent. But you get used to it.

Is it more difficult deciding the sentence in a death-penalty case or who gets the kids in a family case?

Family cases are very, very difficult to adjudicate fairly. The evidence is difficult to receive. It’s oftentimes inaccurate and emotional. Little children are sometimes controlled by their parents, and so, as a result, you don’t really get the truth. It’s difficult to come to a truthful, satisfactory decision in those cases. On the other hand . . . the process of imposing a death sentence in Florida is very, very subjective.

What is the hardest part of the job?

Judges’ jobs are divided into two parts: There’s the adjudicatory function, where you actually try cases and make decisions and legal rulings. And then . . . the administrative functions, which deal with managing the mess. . . .Managing the caseload is a very, very challenging thing.

Is it more fun being a lawyer or a judge?

I would rather be a judge than a lawyer. I have done both, and I slogged through the trenches for 16 years as a trial lawyer, and I don’t ever want to practice law again.

Do you believe, as a judge, you have turned lives around? And if so, can you cite an example?

The cases that I can recall feeling like I did something that was worthwhile were the drug cases, where I’ve gotten cards and letters from addicts who have gone through rehabilitation and have managed to stay clean . . . and I’ve gotten, I would say over the years, hundreds of those letters.

How long does a judicial robe last?

I’ve had one for 19 years that is still in pretty good shape, and I bought one many years ago that only lasted five years. . . . It just depends on the quality of the robe, although not necessarily the cost.

How much do they cost?

Oh, you can spend as much money as you want to on them. It’s like men’s clothes. If you want a $1,200 one or the $200 one.

What is the funniest thing you’ve ever witnessed in your court?

Right after the movie My Cousin Vinny came out. . . . These two guys [brothers] were down from the Bronx, and . . . they were charged with possession of cocaine. . . .I said, ‘The docket doesn’t reflect you’re represented by a lawyer.’ . . . He said: ‘No, we’ve got our own lawyer. . . . His name is my cousin Vinny.’ . . . I said, ‘ . . . You are remanded into custody.’ . .I looked at the second brother, and I said, ‘And what about you?’ and he said, ‘I’m going to hire a local lawyer.’

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