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I’m ticked off at a restaurant that sends its employees to stand in front of other restaurants to hand out menus.

Standing behind me, whistling and jingling your keys is not going to make me deliver your mail any faster.

I am ticked off when you are trying to fix the printer at work and eight people are telling you what to do.

Sorry, ladies. A woman with a tattoo says “low class.” All guys know it, but most will not say so. No one looks better with a tattoo, unless you need to distract us from looking at your face.

I’m ticked off that my home is to be sacrificed to the “authorities” so they can build a stupid road.

God bless America? Really? We have become a godless nation. When the end comes, do you think we’re going to be any different than any of the other godless countries in this world?

I’m ticked off that homeless people are treated kindly but homeless animals are taken to a shelter and killed in three days.

I am ticked off that a certain HR “professional” is trying to block me from getting new employment.

It’s less painful to have a root canal than to file for unemployment in Florida.

The flip side

Thanks to the kind man who found my three-months-worth of medication and had the decency to not only contact me and let me know that he had found it on a bench at a bus stop, but drove it all the way to my house. Thank you to the receptionist at my dental office who took the time to talk to the man, give him my cell phone number and call him right back. I just cannot believe there are people this kind on planet Earth.

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