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Ticked off! @golf rankings
Ticked off! @golf rankings

It ticks me off that the PGA tour uses the term world ranking when its only PGA player ranking that’s involved. The only way to claim world ranking is to involve the DP tour (European tour) and the LIV tour players in their total to become a true world ranking.

I’m ticked off at Fox for subjecting me to the ya ya valley girl. It’s bad enough on the weekend but to listen to her on Monday morning too. Please. Fox you can do better.

I get ticked off when I read a news article and it leaves me with more questions than answers. For example, that sad story about that poor little girl who buried herself in beach sand.  There were plenty of mentions of lifeguards and the lack thereof, but no mention of the parents! Where were the parents? Doesn’t the responsibility for that tragedy fall squarely on their shoulders?

Crime in Orlando is not down! Crime in Orlando is only down in the eyes and heads of the elected politicians.

I’m ticked off. College and high school people playing sports, should they really get paid? I say a big strong yes they should get paid! As long as they’re working at McDonalds.

I’m ticked off at AT&T mailing their bills abut two weeks in advance so by the time it is received there is a good chance for late payment fee if there is any delay in mailing your check. An obvious attempt to force customers to enroll in auto pay.

I’m ticked off that we cannot watch our local pro team (Magic) on regular TV.  That just smacks of greed. Shame on Bally and Magic for leaving your fan base out. No Magic in O-Town.

The flip side

It was so nice to go to a concert (The Eagles) where no one around me talked the whole time and people weren’t on their phones and taking selfies throughout the concert. Thank you, older people (I am one) for having amazing concert etiquette.

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