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Ticked off! @Lake County cyclists
Ticked off! @Lake County cyclists

I’m ticked off at the group of bicyclist in Lake County who yelled for me to slow down when I was driving around them at 40 MPH on a 55 MPH road. If you can’t handle drivers driving by you at 40 MPH get off the road.

I am ticked off at jaywalkers walking across busy roads like State Road 50 and Silver Star Road. You should care more about yourself!

The other day I was on Colonial Drive in the far right lane, and someone a few cars ahead of me was causing those of us who were behind to be driving 25 MPH in a 50 MPH zone. After a couple of stop lights, we had slowed down to 10 MPH, and by that time the traffic to my left had cleared up so that I could get out of my lane and speed up and continue on my way. It turned out that the offender was someone who to his credit had his flashers on indicating car problems, but in spite of all of the parking lots he could have pulled into along the way, he insisted on staying on the road. To my fellow motorists, if you ever find yourself in that same situation, do your fellow motorists a favor and obey the traffic laws and pull off the road as soon as possible!

I am ticked off that two current politicians, one a state representative and one a city commissioner, are both breaking the law and they are not being arrested and charged.  One is falsifying signatures and illegally using her notary powers and the other is stealing from an elderly woman.  If I did either of those things, I would be sitting in a jail cell.  These two continue on with their lives as if nothing were amiss.  Where is the justice?

The flip side

I want to thank all the people who came to my aid when I fell outside the Altamonte Mall. The care and help they all showed was so appreciated. With all of the terrible news we have these days, it is almost overwhelming to find such kind people. Thank you.

Originally Published: