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Letters: Dems must fight back | No compassion from DeSantis | ‘Uneasy’ with Biden as leader

The Democrat donkey meets the Republican elephant.
Casanova, MCT
The Democrat donkey meets the Republican elephant.

Democrats need to fight fire with fire politically

The Democrats are waging an asymmetrical battle, and losing badly at it.

Does anyone believe that Donald Trump wouldn’t pardon his own son? Does anyone believe that Trump would hesitate for a second if someone told him that the only way to have a favorable Supreme Court is to expand the number of justices and to “pack the court?” Both actions are legal, by the way.

We cling to certain norms which today seem oddly “quaint.” But the other side doesn’t carry those same burdens of responsibility.

We lost the war in Vietnam because it was asymmetrical. We brought tanks and fighters and bombers. The enemy decided even uniforms weren’t necessary. How can we declare a “war on terror” when we can’t even identify a sovereign state as the enemy? We fought wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but we weren’t at war with Afghanistan or Iraq? Huh?

If we keep bringing knives to a gun fight, we’ll keep losing.

George E. Devitt Maitland

A lack of compassion

By vetoing SB 62, a bill allowing Florida inmates to qualify for in-state tuition on their release from prison, and HB 133, reducing from five years to three years that a criminal conviction can be used to deny a barber or cosmetology license, Ron DeSantis has made it harder for a released inmate to re-adjust to society and make a decent living.

On the contrary, they may be more likely to commit further crimes.

David Hirschel Highland Beach

‘Uneasy’ with Biden at helm

I just finished reading Calvin Woodward’s Tribune News Service article, “Debate leaves many voters uneasy,” in the Sunday edition. I cannot speak for everyone but yes, I am “uneasy.” Why? We have a president who I believe is incapable of leading this country. I am “uneasy” regarding the direction Joe Biden (or whomever is pulling his strings) is leading us until Election Day in November. It is obvious that many do not like Trump’s assertive behavior, but I will vote for the man — any day. As a former New Yorker, I understand his attitude which can be very strong but he is “presidential” and does not mumble or gaze into the wilderness or space like Biden did and does. Trump shows strength and leadership. Biden shows weakness and needs to retire to Delaware — permanently.

Linda Potkovic Sanford

Conservative media hurting Biden

Joe Biden’s distressing performance during the recent debate, and the tsunami response, highlights the lightning-quick effect of the social network and the conservative media. And the liberal media is doing nothing to defend Biden — whom I believe is an effective leader; a decent, kind and intelligent leader with a proven track record — especially compared to what the conservative media is doing to bring him down. Never would I have thought that I would witness our country to be in such dire straits. And the alternative, in my view, is a corrupt narcissist bully who would destroy our country for the gain of his own ego. Donald Trump has a track record too: that of a junkyard dog. Nothing else. As Oprah Winfrey and Maya Angelou agreed: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

This is not “1984” or “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” This is the United States of America.

God help us.

Ben May Windermere

Originally Published: