Mature dating site for singles over 50 in UK

Mature dating in Carrickfergus

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    Profiles that match your criteria
    Singles revealing their true self through detailed profiles
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    If you call Carrickfergus home and you’re single and 50+, are you trying to find someone to date, or just want to learn more about?

    You’ve found the right site! Ourtime is the exclusive dating site in Carrickfergus for mature dating.

    Our site is an easy and security-conscious online dating site dedicated to senior daters.

    Sign up for the best dating website for 50+ singles and give yourself the best chance to connect with the person you want.

    50+ singles in Carrickfergus

    Above, you can discover a selection of the Ourtime members looking for their next date in Carrickfergus and nearby areas, active on our mature dating website.

    Start your over 50s dating experience and start talking to other like-minded singles looking to find somebody new now.

    To make it quick to locate singles that you want to know more about, Ourtime has advanced search capabilities which allow you to filter for profiles containing characteristics you choose, such as where they live, if they have children, how old they are and lots more.

    Thousands of people have already met their partner on Ourtime. Could you be next?
    • Carol & Pat
    • Len and Kath
    • Richard and Alma
    • Christine & Robert
    • Adrian & Sandra
    • Joanna & Dave
    • bev and darren
    • Jacqueline & Timo
    • David
    • Dawn and Ian
    • Anne
    • Sandy & John
    • Alan & Sari
    • Sarah & Tom
    • Beverley & Mark
    • Richard & Ingrid
    • Adam and Elaine
    • Maxine
    • John & Jo
    • Ally and Michael
    Register for free!

    Why choose Ourtime for online dating in Carrickfergus?

    Ourtime member profiles are verified to make sure every one of them is both authentic and genuine, to give you the best dating experience. We take your privacy and security very seriously, so our site is protected and secure to ensure your personal information and payment details are safe. For your peace of mind and an authentic and genuine mature dating journey, we verify all user profiles.

    Don’t know where to get started? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Our leading online dating assistant will guide you through the easy steps of creating your profile and more, or you could chat to one of our dedicated team for help.

    Start senior dating on Ourtime today! We’ve got the local singles, features and dating tips for you to begin mature dating in Carrickfergus, and beyond.

    Find that special someone

    Find that special someone

    Meet real and genuine people with you can share your passions at Ourtime

    Meet serious 50+ singles
    Discover Ourtime : Dating site for like-minded singles over 50 Register for free