Mature dating site for singles over 50 in UK

Mature dating in Londonderry

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    Profiles that match your criteria
    Singles revealing their true self through detailed profiles
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    Safety and protection of your personal information

    If you live in Londonderry and you’re over 50 and single, are you searching for someone new to date, or simply want to get to know better?

    You’ve found the perfect place! Ourtime is a new dating website in Londonderry for 50+ singles.

    Our site is an easy and secure online dating website only for mature singles.

    Ourtime is dedicated to introducing singles over 50 searching to meet someone new – choose Ourtime, and we’ll be with you throughout your online dating journey.

    Mature singles in Londonderry

    View the profiles of a selection of Londonderry members who are active on our dating site – there’s a diverse range of singles looking to meet someone new.

    Start your mature dating experience and begin messaging other like-minded singles looking to find somebody new today.

    Utilising our advanced search filters, you can select online dating profiles to browse users that you’re most attracted to.

    Thousands of people have already met their partner on Ourtime. Could you be next?
    • Stephen & Julie
    • Sharon & Mark
    • Susan
    • Anne
    • Karen and David
    • Wendy and Steve
    • Brendan and Chris
    • Michael and Sue
    • Manhal & Helen
    • Julie & David
    • Monique & Miguel
    • Tracey & Rob
    • Lilian & Paul
    • Andy & Samantha
    • Kathy
    • John
    • Graham and Rainey
    • Doug & Juliet
    • Rachel & Richard
    • Alan & Enid
    Register for free!

    Why choose Ourtime for dating in Londonderry?

    Ourtime member profiles are checked to make sure every one of them is both genuine and authentic, to give our members the best online dating experience. We take your privacy and security very seriously, so our site is secure and protected to ensure your personal information and payment details are safe. For your peace of mind and an authentic and genuine online dating journey, we verify all Ourtime profiles.

    Need some confidence to start? Don’t worry, we know the first step can be daunting. Our useful dating assistant available to walk you through the easy process of creating your profile and lots more, or you could talk to one of our dedicated team for help.

    Begin senior dating on Ourtime today! We have all the members, features and dating tips for you to start mature dating in Londonderry, every step of the way.

    Find that special someone

    Find that special someone

    Meet real and genuine people with you can share your passions at Ourtime

    Meet serious 50+ singles
    Discover Ourtime : Dating site for like-minded singles over 50 Register for free