Misfits Around College Campuses Are Starving For Attention - So Let's Stop Giving It To Them | Tomi Lahren

The pro-Hamas, pro-terror misfits are still doing the most to ruin special events and celebrations for the normal and decent folks out there who are house-trained and morally intelligent enough to act right. 

Over the weekend, the wackos at UNC Chapel Hill vandalized the South Building on campus which houses the Chancellor’s Office, throwing red paint and  leaving red handprints on the walls. 

Shockingly, this did nothing to help the humanitarian condition in Gaza but it did make those feral misfits feel good about themselves for a few hours, probably the best they’ve felt about themselves in their entire lives. 

And over at Duke University, a handful of similar, pro-terror misfits walked out of the commencement address given by Jerry Seinfeld due to their belief Seinfeld has been too supportive of Israel. 

And in the great red state of Florida, the "Queers for Palestine," staged a blockade of Disney World which lasted all of about 12 minutes…until they were promptly plucked off the road like the petulant and spoiled brats they are. 

Interesting too that with huge media presence and coverage, none of the pro-terrorist groups dared to show up and piss off the 80,0000+ patriots who attended the Trump rally in New Jersey over the weekend…

Moral of this whole situation may be to move to a solid red state where leaders don’t deal with the nonsense or attend events where normal folks outnumber the wackos…

But outside of those two options, I think there’s another possible solution…

Let’s just ignore these weirdos from here on out. 

We all know their "cause" has nothing to do with Gaza or the plight of Palestinians. 

The misfits staging these tantrums are rebels without a cause, or more like, without a shower or anything else to do with their time.

This is all driven by their desperate need for attention and to feel special. 

So yeah, it makes me wonder if the solution to all of these campus pro-terrorist tantrums is to shut off the cameras… 

How much longer do you think that they would be doing this if we just refuse to cover it or talk about it… 

Let them slip into oblivion with their freak shows! 

It’s like the age old question, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to witness it, does it make a sound…

If unkempt lil terrorists on college campuses camp or riot or disrupt and no one pays them any mind, will they really make a sound? 

I think it’s worth a try.

The media makes it seem like these people are numerous and the majority but in the scope of things, they are but a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population. 

They don’t have the numbers to make a mark IF we just start ignoring them.

If they stage hunger strikes, even better. 

Taking our country back won’t be as hard as it seems because the fringe is far narrower than we’ve been led to believe. 

I’m done talking about these people. They aren’t worth my breath anymore.

Let the silent treatment begin. 

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Tomi Lahren serves as the host of the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on Outkick.com which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.

Lahren is also a FOX News Media contributor and the exclusive voice of FOX News Commentary on FOX News Audio where she offers her perspective on everything from pop culture to politics with a 60-second FOX News Audio produced feature. The segment is syndicated three times per weekday across more than 160 FOX News Radio stations.

With more than 8 million social media followers, Lahren has become a sensation known for her viral videos, where she offers her opinion on everything from politics to pop culture. Previously, she served as host of FOX Nation's Final Thoughts and No Interruption and provided commentary across FOX News Media’s programming since joining the company in 2017. Throughout her tenure, she has conducted notable interviews with guests including Caitlyn Jenner, music stars Clay Aiken and Ryan Weaver, NASCAR driver Josh Bilicki and UFC legend Tito Ortiz.

Prior to joining FOX News Media, she hosted Tomi on The Blaze and On Point with Tomi Lahren on One America News Network. A native of Rapid City, South Dakota, Lahren is a graduate of The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she earned her B.A. in broadcast journalism and political science. She also produced and hosted the university’s political roundtable show The Scramble on UNLV-TV.

Lahren is also the author of Never Play Dead: How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable, which inspires readers to shed fear, find inner strength and speak the truth.