Smoking Hot Charley Hull Enjoys A Date Night, SEC Ladies Of The College World Series & An Intercourse Hat

The 12U boys are now two games over .500 after the head coach had to have a ‘conversation’ with the infield

I'm not going to sugarcoat it: We were getting our asses kicked in the first inning last night after a lack of focus, effort and a poor energy level. My second baseman, who's a former ‘travel ball’ player just tried to pick up a ball on the ground with his glove and was rolling around trying to grab it and make a throw to first. 

The defense was ugly. The pitching was ugly. It was a mess. 

I'll paraphrase my meeting with my infield: You better get your heads out of your asses or this team is going to run-rule you guys. 

After three innings, we were losing 9-3 and the energy level was poor. 

Get on base, let's chip away and stay close. We'll catch them if you stay close.

Then we got three runs. 9-6. 

I brought in my Tom Seaver out of the bullpen to steady the ship. He threw a perfect 4th. 

The boys picked up four more in the top of the 5th. 


Seaver comes out and throws a perfect 5th. 

Now it's time to turn it on. This is why we ran those bases in April. This is why we had foot races and competed so hard. Hit the ball, let's run, let's take extra bases, let's put pressure on the defense. 

The boys put up five more in the top of the 6th by causing chaos on the base paths and with the help of the bottom of our order which is getting hot.

I handed the ball over to my closer, Sequoia, who slammed it shut like Mark Wohlers in his prime, and we went home with a 15-10 win. 

News & nuggets:

  • One of my 11 year olds, a new kid to the school district whose father admitted his son had never played any baseball nearly as competitive as this, finally had a hit up the middle after about seven weeks without making contact. There might've even been an RBI on that hit. The parents erupted. It was a special moment. The kid put the ball in play twice, got on base and had the game of his life.
  • I talked to Sequoia's dad after the game & he made a big revelation: He's not sure where his son learned to hit and play baseball so well. Dad, who is an athletic country strong brick wall, told me he never played baseball past 5th grade.

"You didn't teach him that swing?" I asked. 

"No, I think he picked it up from the neighbor kid or from watching YouTube," dad told me. 

I was stunned. This kid is way too good, way too intelligent, way too competitive for a 12-year-old. Dad has to be sandbagging. 

Sequoia hit a ball up the middle last night that could've killed the pitcher. The opposing coach had to check with his pitcher to make sure he didn't need a couple of breaths to compose himself afterwards. Thank god the liner didn't hit the boy. 

  • Daddy Ball Report: Screencaps Jr. was back in the 6th spot and played mostly second. 6th is the perfect spot for him. There are typically runners on. He makes contact and usually good things happen. The power is really starting to add up game by game. It's been fun to watch. However, he's lucky to have not been thrown out of the game after failing on a slide at home. It was like some sort of half-slide. I don't know what he was doing, but it was ugly. Thankfully, nobody was hurt over it.
  • The boys executed a 100% legitimate pickle run-down play between 2nd and 3rd – WITH MULTIPLE THROWS – before my 3B, the kid who fumbled with the ball in the 1st, finally ran the kid back to 2nd and tagged him out. I was stunned that one of the five or six throws didn't end up tipped off a glove or hitting the runner. It was another stunning moment from my coaching career that I might never forget.
  • With two regular season games to play, I told the boys who haven't pitched that their time is here. I'm opening up the bullpen on Saturday. All the arms are coming out over the first two innings. Screencaps Jr. is one of those boys who wants in. We have work to put in this week to get him ready.

The Zen of Screencaps

- Rick C. writes: 

Just have to tell you the evolution of SCREENCAPS has been something to behold.

I go way back on OK and recall when you started asking for t-shirt ideas for the TNML...a great brand, btw!!!  (My stupid idea was for really above average jerseys (as opposed to tees) with embroidered lettering that could be worn on a Saturday night at dinner with the fam or with your buds.  LOL...mea culpa!)

Just have to say you're approaching Zen-level content creation!  I look forward to all of it, including your musings, commentaries and replies with the fans!

Have you ever found a parking spot that you'll never forget?

Tell me your stories. 

Email: [email protected]

Finding your healing waters this summer

- Bryan H. has a report to share: 

Like Chris B., I too, took a little time off the grid this weekend.  In keeping with the Healing Waters theme, on Sunday we visited the Blue Hole Falls, a multi-tiered waterfall located just outside Elizabethton, TN (another suburb of Johnson City) in the Cherokee National Forest.  The name comes from the deep blue pool in front of the main waterfall.  It was a moderately challenging, relatively short (0.5 mi) hike but incredibly beautiful and peaceful.  The plentiful rhododendrons were not in bloom and I can only imagine how much more beautiful it is when they are.  Definitely well worth the visit.


Keep these Healing Waters reports coming. Based on the response so far, I believe we're onto something with this series. It hasn't taken off like the sunset/sunrise series, but I think we're heading in that direction. I want the Screencaps fishermen to take me to their Healing Waters. Show me those farm ponds. Show me those Montana rivers. 

Email: [email protected]

Tour de France 2024

- Mike T. in Idaho shares: 

Saturday is the start of one of the world’s epic sporting event, Tour de France! The drama, the suspense and of course the scenery make it truly an Epic three weeks! And to me, can’t miss TV!


I swear there are healing powers associated with the helicopter aerial shots from that race. I watch in awe. 

License plates that you guys have spotted out in the wild

- Downriver writes: 

I was driving near DTW the other day and saw this vanity plate. Either a great joke or no shame.

What's on your list?

For 2024, it has to be my new Weber grill. It's been awesome. 

I'm proud to say that buying a legit pillow is another thing I'm proud of. The Purple pillow was another incredible purchase. I had horrible pillows for years. Money can truly buy you an amazing pillow. Trust me. 

Email: [email protected]

Dads being dads

- Andrew R. writes: 

Love the screencaps and mowing content. I primarily work from home and every once in a while want to take a break to get out of the home office - well my 9 year old caught me on the ring doorbell looking at my lawn during one of these breaks and made a video mocking me for it. 

Titled "Dad's love there lawn" (we'll work on the grammar) he edited it himself and explained what dads are "thanking" when looking at their grass.

Then put it up on YouTube and only told me after it was done.


That's it for this final Tuesday of June. Now the dog days really start. Hockey: done. College World Series: Over. Now we have to dig deep. 

Let's go hammer out a strong day of work and get prepared for those 4th of July parties. 

Go have a strong day. 

Email: [email protected]

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.