Wendy's Gifts Nuggets Draft Pick DaRon Holmes II Saucy Nuggs, Although There Appears To Be Some Confusion

Wendy's has an incredible offer for one of the newest members of the Denver Nuggets, although there seems to be a little bit of confusion as to what it actually is.

If you keep up with what's happening in the fast food biz, you may be aware that Wendy's recently rolled out some new Saucy Nuggets.

'What's a saucy nugget?' you may be wondering.

Well, it's a regular chicken nugget… doused in sauce.

Think smarter, not harder folks.

So, given Wendy's habit of creating some social media buzz, the burger giant's X account tweeted out that whoever became a Denver Nugget on the first night of the NBA Draft, would earn themselves a year of free Saucy Nuggets.

A youngster coming out of college would be very excited about this proposition… although the Nuggets' team nutritionist was probably less pumped (especially now that you can get a bucket of fifty nuggets).

Going into the Draft, the Nuggets had the 28th overall pick but traded up to the No. 22 pick and selected DaRon Holmes II of the Dayton Flyers.

For Holmes, it was a divine act of Saucy Nuggs.

Oh hell, yes. Someone's about to become the most popular guy in Denver when word gets out that he has a "year's supply of nuggs."

However, I don't know that DaRon fully grasped what he was getting. In his press conference, he said he was psyched about getting "free sauces" from Wendy's.

He tweeted the same sentiment.

I can see where the confusion comes in. You're preparing to walk across the stage and fake a smile with Adam Silver when someone pats you on the back and goes, "Hey, boss; congrats on those saucy nuggs."

We'd all be confused by that sentence out of context.

Hopefully, DaRon has been informed by now that he's not just getting a year of free sauce. He's getting a year of free nuggets tossed in sauce.

Load up on napkins (I wish Wendy's still had those weird, pale yellow ones; now those were napkins), DaRon. You're about to have the sauciest rookie campaign in NBA history.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.